Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"-`Shift Rotation'
`Shift Rotation'
by Lt. Logan Castle
Security Chief
<Stardate: 47307.17- 12:30- Deck 12>
Lt. Logan Castle stepped off the turbolift and turned immediately
left, following the subtly curving corridor. He realized that he should
not be bothering Eve if she was in the middle of the Cloaking Device
Project, but it wouldn't do any harm to just look in to see if she was
all right, would it?
As he walked, he saw emerging from the Holodeck a readily
recognizable figure. Her name was Ensign Tifa Charr and she was Caitan.
Logan recalled for a moment an encounter with a Caitan on Risa many
years ago when he was still with the Corp. It was one of the erotic
memories he recalled often on lonely nights. He also remembered the
scrapes that scabbed his back for weeks after.
With a shudder, he fought down the memory. Ensign Charr stopped in
her sinuous stride and saluted him. Castle stopped, making a snap
"En. Charr.", he acknowledged her salute. "In our most recent
efforts to defend the Indiana from Romulan invaders, Ens. Azure and
Camponella were killed. I'm pulling you off of floating rotation and
bringing you onto Alpha Shift."
If there was any reaction in those strange slitted eyes, Castle
could not discern it.
"That means you are on duty immediately, Ensign. Until 16:00 hours.
During that time, you will stand watch at Deck 5, VIP quarters, room
517. The individual quartered there is Captain Jall Trellor. He is not
expecting you, so make your presence known."
Charr nodded, her ears twitching at the other sounds around them.
At least, that was what Castle suspected. He heard nothing himself, but
had received a scratch on his cheek once when he thought a Caitan
couldn't hear him.
"He isn't to be restricted in his access to the ships common areas,
but he is to go nowhere alone. Understood?"
Again, she nodded, her eyes blinking slowly. It almost seemed as if
she weren't listening. But, Castle knew better. She was listening to
"Dismissed.", he finally said. She moved toward the turbolift.
Castle couldn't help himself. He stopped to watch her walk.
As Castle approached the corridor for Science Lab 4, he stopped.
Commander Hargen was standing just outside the doors. She seemed to be
.... preparing.. herself for.. something. Castle waited. And watched.
Lt. Logan Castle
Chief Security Officer, USS Grail