Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"-`Shift Rotation'
<Stardate: 47307.17- 12:30- Deck 12>
Tifa stepped out of the holodeck and was greeted by a familiar
scent. Lt. Castle was heading her way and was about to round the bend.
She had met Castle many years ago on Risa, but he didn't remember her,
he was too busy with her mother. But who could blame him, Tifa's mother
was an exellent hostess and probably the most popular Caitan on Risa, a
fact that made the security ensign very proud. Back then, Castle had
been in the Marines and, knowing that he was proud of it, she decided to
greet him with a military salute, even though there were none in
Starfleet. The Chief of security effectively rounded the corner a moment
later and Tifa saluted him as he approched her.
"En. Charr.", he acknowledged her salute. "In our most recent
efforts to defend the Indiana from Romulan invaders, Ens. Azure and
Camponella were killed. I'm pulling you off of floating rotation and
bringing you onto Alpha Shift."
Finally some real action! Going straight from FR to Alpha shift was
quite a praise coming from the CSO, but Tifa didn't give any outward
sign, as she always did.
"That means you are on duty immediately, Ensign. Until 16:00 hours.
During that time, you will stand watch at Deck 5, VIP quarters, room
517. The individual quartered there is Captain Jall Trellor. He is not
expecting you, so make your presence known."
Tifa nodded as she heard some footsteps behind her. Someone was
headed their way, but she couldn't smell who. Then the footsteps
stopped. Too early to be in sight, Tifa knew, the person must have
stopped at Science Lab 4, but she didn't hear the door open. Strange.
Castle pulled her out of her ponderings.
"He isn't to be restricted in his access to the ships common areas,
but he is to go nowhere alone. Understood?"
Again, she nodded, but her thoughts where on the mystery person a
few yards behind her. Why couldn't she pick more of her scent? Why
couldn't she recognize the person?
"Dismissed.", Castle finally said. Coming our of her reverie, Tifa
headed toward the turbolift. She heard Castle begin to walk again, and
then stop. His uniform ruffled as if he turned around. Was he watching
her walk? On Risa, where Tifa was raised, that was considered a very
good compliment. Maybe she was more like her mother than she thought.
She decided to thank him for the compliment by swaying her hips and tail
sensually, but in a nonchalant way so he wouldn't think she was coming
on to him. He was, after all, her superior.
She continued this way until the turbolift doors had closed behind
her. "Deck 5." she ordered. 'I wonder who this Captain Trellor is...'
she thought as she waited for the lift to stop.
When they finally did, she walked out, found VIP room 517 and
activate the chime.
"Come on in!" came the voice from inside.
The doors opened and Tifa walked in. A totally dishevelled man in a
torn uniform was standing in the middle of the room. The man reeked of
Romulan ale. She recognized the four golden pips on what was left of his
"Captain Trrrrellor," she said, "I am Ensign Charrrrr, your
appointed escort. I will be outside your doorrrr if you need me."
Ensign Tifa Charr, Security officer, USS Grail.
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