Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back" - Random Thoughts
<10 forward> Random thoughts.
I am amazed at the level of activity in ten forward and the
holosuites. The doors opened to the bar many hours ago. I know it has
been at least six but after that it gets fuzzy. It has been over 24
hours since I have been able to sit down or rest yet I still am not
tired in the least.
I think most of the senior staff has at least dropped in for a few
moments to say there congrats. I know CDR Hargen hasn't been in as i
have been looking for her. I see the need for more entertainment in
here and plan to build a computerized gambling game. I've seen a few
different types and have the basic knowledge of what I need. If I can
just get my hands on the parts.
The Capt just walked out after seeing Kait Brennan walk in and out a
couple of times in obvious pain.. I wanted to help her yet I still
don't know her. Would she have gotten upset at the guesture or would
she have been appreciative for the help. This starts me to thinking
about how little I really know about any of the people on the crew, or
even the mission. Except for the welcome aboard breif by the captain I
havn't really spoken to anyone, except on a professional basis.
Seeing the exchange between Kirby and Demontigny brought a quick idea to
mind. If I can gain his trust I can make a nice profit and help keep
the marine in his place. Seeing Demontigny heading toward the door
after the exchange I am brought quickly back to reality. I have to talk
to him before he gets through that door.
"Sir, could I talk to you for a few minutes," said Tony.
François stopped and turned to face the bartender, "Certainement,
and please call me François... Tony, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, Tony Verde. Uh..." he lowered his voice, "I overheard what
you and Chief Kirby said just now and... well... for a part of the
game's profits, I could... arrange it so Kirby would drink a lot more
alcool than you..."
François stared at the barman for a moment, letting his words sink
through the few layers of drinks to his brain. Then he laughed out loud.
"Merci for the offer, mon ami," he said, tapping Verde on the shoulder,
"but non merci. I could take on fifteen marines like him and still come
out on top!" He then turned around and left Ten-Forward, still chuckling.