Subject: Security at my door
Captain Jall Trellor
"Doc" - Counselor
Currently on a Fed vessel
"Ensign!...come in and give an old man some company.....and there's no
need to call me Captain, call me Doc " as the door opened up and the
young ensign walked in..."yes sirrr" as she quietly stood by the door.
"Geez charr, relax will ya. have a seat.....oh by the way...where can I
get a new uniform...mine seems to be a mess currently"
Doc slowly got up, after spotting the replicator, went over to hit to
get something to eat and drink,and hit a few controls....Ok
Computer...let's see if your as good as I hope you are, as Doc thought
aloud. "Chicken Noodle Soup, heavy on the, and Romulan
tea...sweet and hot."
In a few seconds, his order came out, as Doc took his lunch over to the
table to eat.
Well, go ahead Charr, if your hungy or thirsty, get what you need
Doc starting to eat began looking a little bleary eyed as he started to
nod his head due to the lack of sleep for the last 2 days..The only
thing keeping Doc up was the adrenalin from the battle, but even that
was beginning to wear off.
(OK Chris...over to you)
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