Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"- `The Price of Victory'

<<Stardate: 47307.17- 13:00>>


Captain Epic Terrakian entered the Sickbay with a noticeable limp.

Doctor William Raimus looked up over the rim of his spectacles. "What

happened, Captain? You seemed fine an hour ago."

"Sympathy pains.", Epic replied mysteriously. "They'll pass. I need

a crew status report."

Raimus took off his glasses and let them hang at his neck. He took

a deep breath. "Well, so far, I have filled out the Death Certificates

for Thorin Azure and Salazar Camponella. Lt. Deric Stone has suffered

total nuerological trauma and will expire as soon as the order is given

to terminate life support. There is nothing I can do for him."

Terrakian nodded. "Computer. Record directive." The computer

chirped. "The order to terminate life suppost for Lt. Deric Stone was

given by Captain Epic Terrakian. Stardate: 47307.17 at 13:03. End


Raimus grimaced, but nodded. It was the only thing to do.

"Continue the report, please, Doctor."

"Yes. Of course.", Raimus shook away his darkening thoughts. "Lt.

Parker suffered an intrusive head trauma that I believed I had managed

to correct, along with his own amazing Vulcan physiology. However, he

has relapsed into a coma, with no apparent cause. I believe surgery is

still a consideration, but my experience with Vulcan brain surgery is

limited. I would like permission to place Lt. Parker into cryostasis

under Dr. St. Clares supervision, until I have the opportunity to

perfect the procedure with holographic simulations."

"Permission granted.", Epic responded promptly.

"Lt. Brennan and Lt. DeMontigny were treated and released. Yoeman

Vincent Rogers suffered severe burns from a weapons malfunction. I

suggest security investigate that." Raimus' expression was dubious. Epic


"I will order an investigation."

"Lt. Kestra Prynne....", Epics hair stood on end. "..she is in

critical condition, but her prognosis is good."

Epic took a deep breath. "Doctor, I want regular reports on her

condition sent to my padd."

"Of course.", Raimus replied with some curiosity in his eyes, but

he said nothing.

"And now...", he sighed. "The Lt. Major. Brinn."

Epic urged him on with a thrust of his head.

"A disruptor blast has ruined one of her legs. It had to be

removed. There was also considerable damage by radiation done to her

reproductive system. She will likely never reproduce."

A pang of sympathetic pain swept over his heart. "There is no

possibility of regeneration?", Epic hoped.

"Romulan disruptors, Captain, are cruel weapons. There is a reason

disruptors are outlawed by the Federation."

"Where is she?", Epic looked around.

Raimus' expression became defensive. "I couldn't keep her, sir. She

seemed distracted and... unconsolable. She left."

"`Left'?", Epic almost shouted. "Did she crawl?"

"No, sir.", Raimus stammered. "I attached an ambulatory prosthetic

so that she could..."

"In English, Doctor.", Epic fumed silently.

"A... peg...leg..., sir."

Epic blinked at the man a dozen times, then turned away. "Thank

you, Doctor." `A pegleg. She's hobbling around on a pegleg.'

Epic left the Sickbay shaking his head. They had their Cloaking

Device, but at what price victory?