Subject: Grail: Last Look Back: Saftey Dance (Brinn)
It was hot. Not just any hot, either. This was a stifeling, sticky hot.
The kind that got into your lungs and killed you slowly. Or so you
thought. Not that it mattered much. You wanted to die anyway.
"I wanna get out of here." Pvt. Nanacy gasped out into the sticky
"Don't we all." Athalya Anne gasped back. These nice, warm Marine
uniforms weren't helping anything, either.
"I can't stand this." Nanacy choked out.
*Who can? So stop whining about it.* Athalya Anne thought. A fox hole in
the middle of a jungle hell was the last place she wanted to be.
"It's just so small. Too crouded." Nanacy whined some more.
"Put a sock in it, Nanacy!" Corpral Hazen threw a small rock at her.
That was it. That was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.
Nanacy let out a scream and took off running like the devil was after her.
"LENA!" Athalya Anne screamed and tried to take off after her.
"Danm it, Private, don't!" Hazen tackled Athalya Anne before she got all
the way up. "She's gonna die. Don't send yourself to the same fate!"
Athalya Anne strugged against the corpral. "Danm it, I can get her! I
"No. You can't. She's dead now."
Another one of Nanacy's screams punctured the night. They all knew what
happened. They got her. Athalya Anne went limp. Hazen let go. "No..."
Athalya Anne whispered. "No..."
Nanacy screamed again.
It wasen't quite as hot any more. There had been a cool, morning fog,
which had cooled things off a bit. Not by much, though.
Now they were marching. Marching to the sea. From there, they would
regroop and set up fortifications. *We'll be safe there. We'll be safe.
Safe at the sea.* Athalya Anne kept churning the same idea around in her
head. *We'll be safe. At the sea. Safe.* The word had taken on a whole
new meaning. Athalya Anne longed for her drawing board at Utopia Planitia
for the first time in years. There was saftey there. It was so much
easier to romanticise war and killing and death and dying from behind the
drawing board. None of it was real there. You could go back to the
drawing board after you had tired of that fantacy. There was saftey behind
paper. *Saftey. At the sea.*
A gasp interupted revrie. Athalya Anne looked up. A mass of pink flesh
hung from a tree. The person had been skinned. And probaly alive, if the
sounds from last night were any indicatior. Beneath the pink flesh was a
uniform. And the missing skin.
It was Pvt. Nanacy.
Athalya Anne screamed.
Athalya Anne woke up screaming. Sheer terror eminated from her
conciousness. She looked around. Sickbay. On the Grail. A familar
sight. *I'm safe.* But that didn't disguise the fact that she was
sweating like a pig and had just woken up screaming.A doctor appeared from
around a corner and looked at her concernedly.
"Well," Athalya Anne demanded, trying to cover her sheer terror, "What
DOES a girl have to do to get a sponge bath around here?"
<<OOC: Any doctors out there?>>
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn