Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"- `Grail's Women's Quior' (Donucci/ Brinn)

As if fighting the Romulans wasn't bad enough a much tougher foe was

waging a battle of it's own, 'boredom'. It has already begun to take

it's toll on Alison who has had a little trouble making new friends

since joining the crew of the Grail. Most likely she has a little more

vinegar in her personality than most people care to digest.

Looking into the bottom of her nonalcoholic wine, nonacoholic because

drinking alone would be a little uncouth as far as Alison was


*Somehow wine loses a lot when the alcohol is removed, all this stuff

is lowgrade grapejuice!* Alison swirls the last bit of wine around in

the bottom of the glass. *What's next lemonaide?*

Alison looks around the room at all the uninteresting people

prettending to have a good time. She gives a small yawn just as a odd

site catches her eye.


Athalya Anne strode into 10 Foreward, and looked about. She had one

mission and one mission alone: to get falling down drunk. Athalya

Anne survayed the room. She hated drinking alone, but she didn't know

anyone well enough to drink with, with the exception of

Castle (the traitor. Athalya Anne didn't care why exsactly he quit the

Corps to wear that monkey suit. The Corps was the Corps and you didn't

forsake the Corps, as far as she was concerned) and possibly Donucci.

Speaking of, Alison caught Athalya Anne's eye. Alisons gaze went down

Athalya Anne's body and saw.... her peg leg. The shock that eminated

off of Donucci was almost tangible. *Well, it looks like I'm not

drinking alone.* Athalya Anne smiled and strode over to Alison and

ploped down on the chair beside her. "I trust this seat isn't taken."

Athalya Anne flagged down the nearest waiter, "One bottle of the best

vodka you have, two glasses."

Almost unable to speak Alison searches her mind for the right words to

say, but the sight of Athalya leg was the only thing she was able to

think of. "What in heavens name happened?" The courage that Athalya

seemed to be showing was beyond her comperhention.

Athalya Anne sneered at the memory and at the awe that was comming off

of Alison. "Baahg. Danmed Rommies. Fucking assholes can't shoot worth

shit." Athalya Anne rolled her eyes, "They SAY they're all that, but

get one or two in combat and they drop like flies." Athalya Anne

couldn't resist the urge to exaggerate just a wee bit.

Somehow pitty didn't seem to enter Alisons mind it was more like

admiration for the way Athalya seemed to carry herself. (no pun

intended) Alison pushed away what was left of her glass of grapejuice as

the waiter set the bottle of vodka on the table. Not one for drinking

vodka usually Alison was ready for something with a little kick to it,

recent revelations had made it almost necesary.

"Thank you," spoke up Alison as Athalya filled both glasses. "What

shall we drink to?" she inquired.

"Lets drink to the fact that our glasses are full." replied Athalya as

Alison watched in amazement as Athalya seemed to almost inhale the glass

of vodka basically urging Alison to take a big gulp which cause a

reaction that appeared to umuse Athalya, but she was laughing on the


Athalya refilled her glass then topped off Alisons, holding her glass

into the air. "Here's to the Corps." and Athalya empties another glass

of vodka. Alison did her best to try and keep up, but this kind of

drinking was new to her.

*Mien Gott! Just how young is the little chit?* Athalya Anne wondered,

noting her newness at drinking. *Well, someone's got to get her good

and drunk one day, may as well learn her the right way.*

Athalya Anne filled up the glasses yet again, "Your turn, dear Alison."

Alison's eyebrows creased momentarily as she picked a subject, "To the

Grail." She raised her glass to Athalya Anne's. "The danmed boat."

Athalya Anne echoed. Dr. Miranda St. Claire walked by as Athalya Anne

poured the next set of drinks. "Doctor!" Athalya Anne hailed the

woman. "Join us!" Miranda looked confused. The last time Athalya Anne

had seen her, the Doctor had been subject to taunting. But now, as

Athalya Anne eyed the woman, she looked out right sexy. *Who cares if

they're real or not?* Miranda reluctantly sat down. Athalya Anne

filled the doctors empty glass with vodka.

"To," Athalya Anne looked over the doctors figure again, "Fine


Noticing that Athalya was paying more attention to her new friend

which causes an involuntary reaction from Alison. "Hey! What's wrong

with me?" as she attempted to pore another drink not realising the

implications of her statement, actually not realising much at all as the

vodka has already taken control of Alisons judgement.

"Sing us a song Major." Alison blurts out of nowhere, then finishes

off her forth glass of vodka. Unable to hold a coherent thought Alison

puts her elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand as the room

begins to sway..

Athalya Anne laughed just a wee bit louder than was truly nesscary as she

poured more vodka for all parties and promptly swollowed her share.

"Hmm.... Lets see." Athalya Anne thought, wanting to pick a song that

Alison would know. After some thought, she launched into "The Drunken

Andorian". Not long after, Alison joined in. After a few more glasses of

vodka, St Claire had added her supprano to the quior.


LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn and Lt Alison Donucci