Subject: Grail: "Last look back" - 'Secure company'
<<Stardate: 47307.17- 13:00>>
<<Deck 5 - VIP quarters>>
He wanted to socialize. They always wanted to socialize! Tifa wasn't
an expert in psychology, but she was convinced protected guests wanted
to socialize with their guards to try to convince themselves that they
weren't prisoners. Tifa decided to try to indulge Captain Trellor as
long as it didn't interfere with her duty.
"Well, go ahead Charr, if your hungy or thirsty, get what you need."
Trellor told her.
"Thank you sirrr, but I have alrrready eaten. The rrreplicator in
the bedroom can make you a new uniform, if you wish." Tifa said. Getting
another wiff of Romulan Ale from him, she added. "There is also a sonic
shower therrrr."
Doc lifts up his arm and takes a whif, and reels back
with his nose krinkled as he knows he needs a shower bad.."Ya, I see
your point" as Doc looked at Charr
"Captain..." Tifa began to say after a moment of silence.
"Doc." corrected Trellor.
"Why? Arrre you a Doctorrr?" she ask.
"A Doctor? Ya, in ways, my clients usually don't like
my kind of therapy though." as Doc let out a low laugh thinking to
himself how much the Romulan Tal'Shiar and Military Police would love to
have thier hands around Doc's throat
"Very well then, 'Doc', I am currrious. What circumstances brought
you aboard the Grrrail? I heard yourrr ship exploded as you came out of
a worrrmhole, but what happened?"
"Actually it wasn't my ship, I was along for the
ride...and as far as what happened...That, my feline friend, is a matter
of Federation Security." Which perked Charr's curiosity since Doctors
don't speak of Federation Security measures. Charr knew at that moment,
that the old man was much more than just a Doctor.
Tifa noticed Trellor's eyes growing tired and having trouble staying
open. The excitement and adrenaline passed, fatigue was gaining a firm
hold over the Captain.
"You must be tirrred. I will let you rrrest, Doc. If you need me,
you know where I will be." she said.
"I guess you're right." he said, getting up.
"Oh, and Doc, if I may, maybe a shower would be in order first."
Tifa added, crinkling her feline nose before leaving.
Trellor smiled as he headed for the shower.
Joint post by
Captain Jall 'Doc' Trellor and Ensign Tifa Charr
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