Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"- `The Ties That Bind'

<<Stardate:47307.17- 13:20>>

Epic Terrakian left the Sickbay with so many mixed emotions that he

couldn't sort them. Brinn was maimed, possibly beyond repair. Parker

also. Stone, Azure, Camponella. Dead. Just like that. Damn it. Three

days ago, they were orbitting Earth, picking up supplies for their

ultimate departure.

And now, they were picking up the pieces of war.

Being so close to the Nursery, Epic wanted to see Kaede. He knew,

through the baby girl, that Kaje was with her. Mama and Dada. Kaje and

Epic. For Kaede it was the most natural relationship. For Epic....

What DID it mean to Epic? Four months ago, Kaje was a Maquis spy

lost amid the Lerins Nebula. Scared. Wounded. Dying. Now, she was a

mother, a damned good one. Confident in her responsibilities. But, there

was more. She was still scared. Given something to fight for, Kaje would

fight. But, given the need to fight for herself, she would become that

scared and wounded girl again.

The baby made the difference. Kaede changed everything. For Kaje,

and for Epic, too.

Epic found himself considering Kaje. Not just as a person, but as a

woman. She was attractive. And to a meglomaniac like Epic, that wounded

look she often wore was practically an aphrodisiac. He had often



Epic turned to face the gargantuan Bolian that called to him.

"Captain. Lt. Ryes is concerned about the disposition of our

sabotuer.", Norden grumbled. "She would like you to see him."

Epic looked up at the Bolian and said, "Lead the way, Ensign."

Norden turned and headed for the turbolift. As Epic passed the

Nursery, he let his mind find Kaede. ::I will see you soon.::

::Dada.:;, she emoted sleepily. And at that moment, he felt Kajes

mind. And she felt his.

And Epic could not pull away.