Subject: Grail: Last Look Back - Arda

"Kaede", SD 49803.12

by Lt Arda Kaje, CSP

USS Grail

Being back on the ship reinitiated her link with Kaede, still in the

nursery. The nursery was near Sickbay which was in the Stardrive section

of Galaxy class vessels. She desperately wanted to see her, to let her

know everything was okay, but she had work to do and Kaede had to learn

that work came first for Mommy right now. She sighed, letting Kaede's

mental touch calm her jangled nerves. She wondered how Epic had handled

her tantrum.

As repairs continued, Arda and Kaede communicated to each other on and

off. Arda constantly told her that she loved her and would be coming to

see her soon.

{{{{Mommy love me?}}}} There was a pause. {{{{You love me?}}}}

{{{{Of course, I love you, sweet. Why wouldn't I?}}}}

{{{{You left me.}}}} A pang of guilt slammed Arda in the chest. She

choked back a few tears. {{{{Dada loves me! He sang to me!}}}} She

sank into the nearest chair, tears on the brim of her eyes.

"Lt?" She looked up.

"I'm fine, Dietric. I just need to do a few things. Watch over the

repairs for me, will you?"

"Yeah. Sure." He watched as she headed for the door. Before she

stepped out, he said, "Are you sure you're okay?" She nodded, not

trusting her own voice, and headed towards the nursery.

{{{{I'm coming, Kaede.}}}}

{{{{No!}}}} Arda stopped dead in her tracks.

{{{{What?}}}} There was no answer. {{{{Kaede?}}}}

Arda ran the rest of the way.

She burst into the room. The holonanny looked up.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Where's Kaede?" The hologram pointed to a small crib. Inside, a baby

was gurgling away.


"Kaede?" The gurgling stopped. "Kaede, I'm sorry. I had to go. I wish

you could understand that."

{{{{Yes.}}}} Kaede reached her arms for her mother and cried. Arda

lifted her up and held her tight. {{{{I love you, Mommy.}}}}

"I love you, too, sweet," she whispered. "I love you, too."

Jessica-Lynne Sullivan

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