Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back" - 'A Toast to Victory'
"A Toast to Victory"
by Lt. François DeMontigny, Tony Verde, and Captain Epic Terrakian
<<Stardate: 47307.17- 10:30>>
<<Deck 10>>
Tony Verde was probably the most relieved by the stand down of the
Red Alert. Getting relieved of his Security detail and going back towhat
he thoroughly enjoyed; pouring drinks and hearing gossip.
Arriving back at the 10 Forward Lounge, Tony saw nearly a hundred
people waiting outside the door. Wading through the impatient
customers,he arrived at the doors and opened them.
"I'll start serving in 10 minutes.", said Tony.
<<Deck 12>>
François and Epic walked to the turbolift without saying a word.
François was still mulling over his Captains words while Epic... Well,
Epic did as he always does, he was waiting for the right moment. Being
reminded that sometimes things don't go as planned, and that everybody
bears the guilt of their mistakes had been what DeMontigny needed.
"You know, mon ami...", he said stepping into the turbolift. "I've
danced with death so many times and walked away unscathed that sometimes
I get overconfident. I think I am immortal. That's what happened on the
Bridge. I actually thought we could take out the Rommies."
"Deck 10.", Epic said as he nodded at François point. "You are
doomed to think that way, François. We are men of action. We will die by
the sword. I promise." François realized the truth of it and grimaced.
"Like you said. If we were playing it safe, we wouldn't be here.
But I learn from my mistakes, next time I'll think before I act when
there are others around." Looking at Epic again, he added. "By the way,
nice uniform... Captain."
Epic smiled silently. The turbolift doors opened again and the two
men walked out. Taking a right turn, they entered the doors of the 10
Forward Lounge.
=^=10 Forward to Captain Terrakian. Captain, your presence is
required in 10 Forward for the victory celebration.=^=
Epics commbadge chirped even as he stepped through the doors. And
he was immediately floored.
It had never occured to him how a little thing like a battle with
Romulans could affect the off-duty and civilian crew. So, naturally, it
never occurred to him how relieving it must be when that battle ends.
And ends in a clear victory. The elation and relief hit Epic like a
François indicated a table, but Epic stopped him and nodded toward
the bar. And toward the Betazoid who had summoned him.
::Epic Terrakian.::, Epic mentally projected to the mind of the man
behind the bar in the customary way of the Betazoid. Their cultures
version of the handshake.
::Tony Verde, sir.::, the dark-haired man responded.
"Mr. Verde.", Epic started, his expression serious. "I do not
recall ordering a victory celebration." But, before the man could even
become defensive about it. "But, since we went to all the trouble of
defeating our aggressors, I suppose one drink to toast our victory is
not out of order."
Epic offered François a conspiratorial wink. Verde couldn't have
known that they would be coming here for that purpose anyway, but he
might have guessed considering the rather prompt response.
Tony poured each of them their beverage of choice. For Epic,
Klingon Blood Wine. For François, Andorian Bourbon. And Tony poured a
Blood Wine for himself.
Epic raised his glass and turned his back to the bar, facing the
crowd that looked at him with a mixture of curiosity, pride, and fear.
His reputation as a monster was known by all, but this monster had
brought them to victory.
"A toast.", Epic spoke evenly, but his voice carried in the strange
silence that fell at his gesture. "To todays victory, tomorrows mystery,
and to yesterdays memory. With this drink, we take our last look back. I
salute you all."
"Et que ceux qui osent nous défier meurent au bout de notre épée!"
added François.**
And together, they drank.
"Sir, I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed on. Now I know
this is going to be very intresting", said Tony. "Please excuse me
gentlemen but I must get back to serving drinks, who knows when I'll
have a day this busy again". As he walks away he spots two young
marines argueing and pushing each other. "There will be none of that in
my bar tonight gentlemen, save it for your drills", said Tony.
François and Epic took a seat near the large windows and caught up
on what had happened since their last assignment together.
**Translation: "And may those who dare defy us die at the tip of our
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