Subject: Grail: `Last Look Back'-`Orders are Orders'

`Orders are Orders'

by Lt. Logan Castle

<Stardate: 47307.17- 11:15>

Logan Castle entered his office and plopped into his chair with a

weary sigh. The last day was one for the record books. A flashing prompt

on his computer display attracted his eye, but he chose to ignore it

until he had had a chance to breath.

Last night, he had spent a perfect evening with a perfect woman. He

and Eve had wandered the silent halls of the New York Museum of Natural

History, talking and holding hands. Later, in more formal, if somber

attire, they attended the funeral for Captain Zebediah Cochran. For

Logan, it was as if the date had never ended. When finally they had

parted company, he was completely smitten.

Even if the object of his affection was a machine.

Castle shrugged. It didn't matter to him. He wondered if it

mattered to her. He would find out someday, he hoped.

Then, with a few hours sleep under his belt, he found himself

fighting right alongside her for the liberation of the Indiana. He had

lost two good people in that conflict. Makot and Camponella. He had to

send a report to Starfleet, as well as his personal condolances to their

respective families. That would be hard. It always was.

Then, just when the adrenalin surge of combat had begun to subside,

he was ordered to retake their own saucer. The Rommies had managed to

beam over at some point and had taken out the entire Bridge crew. They

had been hurt. Bad. Castle knew he woul have to stop by Sickbay to check

on them. Parker looked like he wasn't going to make it. Brinn, too,


Castle wondered how he felt about that. He had been one of Thaylas

many lovers a few years ago. But, did he love her? He supposed he

didn't, or he wouldn't need to ask. Still, he slipped the little gold

cross around his neck from beneath his tunic and kissed it, offering her

his prayers.

He had taken many lives today. It was always the same for him. He

always felt that the impact of that violence should be felt more. Like

he should... he didn't know. Cry. Feel bad. Something. But all he felt

was nothing. He shrugged. Oh well. Served them right. You don't attack

helpless Feds, not while he was on watch. "You do, you die. Case

closed.", he whispered. Then, he chuckled softly at the fact that he

said it out loud in an empty room.

He really did need to get some sleep. But, that sure as hell wasn't

happening any time soon.

The blinking red light of the computer prompt was starting to grate

on him like a siren, even though it was silent. He stabbed the button

and called up the waiting message.

The screen went black, then was replaced by the Starfleet Symbol.

Castle noted in the subscript that Captain Terrakian was copied into the

orders. `Captain', huh? I guess he got his orders.'

The message was simple, but it showed the insignia of Starfleet

Intelligence. `Great.', he sighed. After offering his security code, the

message played. A dark man with a dark mood filled the screen. `Friggin'

`spooks'.', Castle shook his head. Why did spies always have to act like


"Lieutenant Castle. This message is to inform you of the

emplacement of Lieutenant Taralak as your Assistant Chief of Security.

Attached is his service record, what we are able to share, anyway.

Acknowledge receipt of this transmission by pushing Tau Alpha Three at

the end of this transmission." The screen went immediately blank.

Castle shook his head again and acknowledged the transmission.

Then, he read Taralaks file.

`No friggin' way!', Castle thought. `He's a Rommie. A friggin'

Rommie. And now, he's my second. That's just friggin' awesome. Damn!'

Castle was tired, but he also knew that there wasn't squat he could

do about this. Orders are orders.

He sighed as he tapped his commbadge. "Castle to Taralak. Report to

Security Offices."

Castle cancelled the channel and sat staring at the computer

screen. It was interesting reading.

Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer, USS Grail