Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"- `Lost in Space'
Captain Jall Trellor
Counselor on the Run
The Khittomer job was easy enough, getting the Admirals son out of that damned prison. The breakout happened like a charm, getting on that Bird
of Prey and heading back toward Federation territory.
The message to DS9 was a problem, as the D'deridex had a fix on our
position and alerted the border patrols, which caused us to fight for
our lives. Our poor ship was taking a pounding from those patrol
frigates. The Captain had an idea to sneak around and change direction
towards the back of Cardassian territory and away from the posse that
was hot on our butts.
During the battle, the Admirals son, who was a snot-nosed and hated
lieutenant, died, which caused a small cheer from everyone, including
Doc, but Doc would worry about the ramifications later, he had to
survive the battle first.
The change in direction proved to work, and as he headed across the
border, we found ourselves in a critical area as the overheating engines
started to go critical. A Bird of Prey frigate that had been gutted by
disruptors had begun to self-destruct and with the explosion it caused a
small rift that we headed into not knowing where the heck we were
heading to.
The stars looked all wrong and the ships computers were fried. As the
engine was shot and most of the crew was dead, in all this, the ship
found a warp signature. A federation warp signature where there
shouldn't be any and the poor beat up Bird of Prey crawled along on a
small jury rig to find the ship and maybe transport the remaining crew
before the ship blew.
After about an hour the radiation had begun to kill the engineers and
others sacrificed themselves so the rest could survive. These were
heroes knowing they would die, but did the job anyway. The Captain
looking at the view screen spotted the ship. Apair of ships, actually. A
science survey ship and a Galaxy Class warship.
<<USS Grail- Battle Bridge>>
<<Stardate: 47307.17-11:30>>
The Vulcan Prexis, at Sciences, Raised an eyebrow and immediately
reported. "Lieutenant Donucci. The wormhole that deposited our
Ambassador Firespray has once again become active. A Klingon Bird of
Prey has emerged. The ship will suffer anti-matter containment failure
in one minute."
Donucci at the Helm slapped her commbadge. "All Transporter
operators on alert. Prepare to lock onto all lifesigns at the following
coordinates." She stabbed the console hurriedly. "Beam them over as soon
and as fast as you can."
=^=Federation vessel. This is an emergency..we are in deep trouble...
please transport us over... the ship is going critical..=^=
Doc started to transport and the poor ship blew.
=^=I only got the Captain.=^=, Chief Velaj reported to Donucci.
=^=But I'm losing his signal.=^=
"Boost the signal. You have to boost the signal. We can't lose him
now.", Donucci insisted as she prayed.
=^=I don't know how, but he's coming in... slowly though.=^=
"I'm going to send security down.", Donucci informed him. "I want
to see who or what we got."
In a few moments, Doc came in and looked himself over as he saw the
charred uniform that hung on him like rags. Doc laughed, knowing he was
alive. Then, in a flash, he went over to the transporter panel and tried
to get the others. The large Andorian might have been affronted, if not
for the knowledge of the mans loss.
"Sorry. Your ship is lost. We barely managed to get you.", Velaj
offered somberly.
Doc stood there in shock, knowing the bravery of his crew and knowing
they were all gone. "Thanks Chief. It sure was good seeing your ship
here in the middle of nowhere."
Velaj simply nodded as Lt. Logan Castle, supported by En. Dimitri
came into the room.