Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"-"The Course"

He sat there trying every possible route around the gravity

waves but everything he tried would take at least an extra month

or so. "Firespray to Lt. Donucci, could you please report to my

quarters as soon as possible. I need your help in plotting the

next course to Kerestia." He sat back and waited for Lt. Donucci

to arrive.

Having just finished checking over the propulsion systems status

Alison was ready to get away from Conn and any reason at the moment

would do, and Firespray just handed her one. Leaving helms control in

the capable hands of Ensign Olga Mironov and Alison exits the bridge.

*Maybe I should stop by my quarters first, just to freshen up a bit.*

Figuring Firespray wouldn't mind just a slight delay Alison heads for

her quarters. Stiff and sore from too many hours of just sittting at

conn she can think of only one thing to loosen up her muscles a bit.

Removing her jacket and throwing it over a chair, Alison sits on the

corner of her bed and with a little effort she is able to take off her


Undoing her pats she lets them fall to the floor then kicks them

accross the room out of her way. Unzipping the shirt that always seems

to be a little to tight and throwing it onto the bed fallowed by the

bra that keeps things under control. Alison ruffles her hair up a bit

and waunders into the wash-room. "Set shower at one hundred degrees


Then stepping into the shower as the water starts spaying out.

Standing so the water was cascading down over her head wetting her

long black hair making it feel as though it weighed fifty pounds.

Letting the water hit her in the face she could feel the waters warm

caress flowing down the length of her body, soothing tired and aching

muscles as it flows.

Turning aound to alow the warm effects of the water wash away the

stiffness in her shoulders down her back and legs. The water seems

almost like a great lover reviving every part of her body and lifting

her spirits. Feeling refreshed Alison exits the shower drying herself

off and doing her best to dry out her tangled hair.

Laying out a fresh unniform on her bed she strategically spays

perfume on herself and moments later Alison is standing in front of a

mirror making sure she is presentable. Straightening the callor to her

tight shirt out a bit and brushing some lint off the sleeve on her

jacket, she gives herself a smirk in the mirror and exits her quarters.

A short time later a very late Alison activates the door chime to

Firesprays quarters..

Cheif Flight Control Officer Lt Alison Donucci



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