Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back" - 'Reflections on a Life' (Kirby)
--Chief Kirby's Quarters--
Kirby sat in the chair, looking across the room at the gear
sitting on his bunk. The armor, the helmet, the rifle. All of them were
there, but Kirby still didn't feel right. One of his men had gone down,
just when it looked like they had the whole situation secured. It wasn't
that they were complacent, but then the pair of Romulans had come out of
that shaft, disruptors blazing. And worse yet, that damn Romulan who gave
the security code had just let the other Romulan kill a Starfleet Marine.
It wasn't right, but what could Kirby do?
And once they had returned with the cloaking device, the Romulans
struck in a last ditch effort at the bridge of the saucer section, and the
Marine CO had lost a leg. The Marines, on the other hand, were only
back-up for the security group sent to retake the bridge. It should have
been the Marines, he thought.
Still, he couldn't hold a grudge against the security forces.
After all, they were just doing their job, and it was pretty logical that
another Marine would be 'thawed out' to fill the hole created by the
single casualty. Until then, though, the Marines would just sit tight.
So that's what Kirby would do. He would sit tight until an assignment
came his way.
NPRG: I'm back! And will posting regularly for both Kirby and Ramius
AKA Chief Kirby, Marine,
and Dr. Ramius, CMO