Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back" - 'Fresh Faces and New Blood' (Ramius)


--Sickbay, USS Grail--

William ran the diagnostic tool of the tricorder over the wound

that the young security officer had on his head. "Don't worry, son," he

said reassuringly. "The regenerator will take care of you just fine.

Just lay back and rest, and let it do its work, alright?"

The young man nodded and complied with William's orders. Ramius

turned to the nearest member of the medical staff and handed them the

tricorder in exchange for a hypospray and a PADD containing the results of

scans done on the people most grievously injured by the storming of the

saucer section.

He entered the attached office and proceeded to the replicator.

"Tea, Darjeeling, sweet, 90 degrees Celsius." He sipped at the hot

beverage while examining the reports, trying to ignore the fatigue that

assaulted his mind and his muscles. Eventually, the fatigue overcame him

and he fell asleep in his office chair, his reading glasses still on his

nose and his head back over the neckrest.

In the few scant moments before he fell completely asleep, the

most recent events of his life came before him. His volunteering for the

Indiana, the attack by the Romulans, and now here he was, on the Grail.

The situation on the Indiana was grim by the time the Grail's personnel

arrived and cleared the ship of Romulans, and the wounded came in waves,

until a full 50% of the Indiana's small crew were jam packed into the

small sickbay. The Captain had arranged for some of the Indiana's wounded

to transfer to the Grail for temporary treatment, and William had come

with them, to lend a hand to the Grail's medical staff.

He had been up for quite some time, helping with the wounded, and

he felt good about what he was doing, better than he had felt in some

time. He wasn't sitting on his hands anymore. He wasn't whiling away his

time at the Academy, he was among the stars, on a ship, making an impact

on the lives of people again. He loved it.

He was thankful that he had indicated his request for a transfer

to the Grail to Captain Singh, and hoped that she could communicate the

desires for a transfer to Captain Terrakian. To further this end, William

himself had sent the newly promoted Captain a personal communique

indicating what he wished to do in the present situation.

Hopefully, his request would reach the captain.


NRPG: Here's another one, just giving the status quo of the good Doctor.

More to follow as time permits.


AKA Chief Jeb Kirby, Marine,

and Dr. Wm. Ramius, CMO