Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"- `Jarel'

<OOC: This is written by Blake Cromwell.>>


Victory was theirs.

Putting the phasers back into the storage units, the large Bolian

enign gave a sigh of relief that the fight had ended well and even

though ther had been some casualties to the commanding staff everyone

was going to be okay. A smile played across Nordens features as he

imagined himself side-by-side with Lt. Castle rescuing the battered

Indiana from the Romulans, but such thoughts were few and far between as

Norden knew he had an important role on the Grail. He was the weapon

control officer when Castle was away an as such had to make sure all

able bodies had arms and knew how to use them. He made a mental note not

to allow the cooks access to the phasers, not until they all had a

refresher training course and became recertified with them. Norden

relocked the unit and readied himself for the report to Lt. [jg] Ryes.

=^=Norden to Ryes.=^=

=^=Ryes here, what is it Ensign?=^=

=^=All hand phasers and rifles have been accounted for. Is

everything quiet back home?=^=

It was an odd joke to most people that did not work in ships

security, but to those that did, referring to the Brig as home was as

natural as the desire for a Ferengi to covet gold pressed latinum. It

just happens with the addition of their first "guest", things had not

been dull.

=^=All quiet here. But before things get crazy here I want you to

get the Capt. and ask him when he wishes to pay us a visit. Ryes out.=^=

Jarel had regained consciousness as Captain Terrakian announced

victory to the crew of the ship. Shortly thereafter, the subtle jerking

of the ships halves joining could be felt through the ship and once

again, his angel was connected to him. Somehow, he would get out of this

cell to be with her, and it was just a matter of time.

He had managed to rinse most of the dried blood from his scalp when

Ryes and three other security guards entered the Brig. One of them was

the female Klingon who had shot him earlier. Gazing at him through

glazed eyes, Jarel could tell that the battle-frenzy still coarsed

through her veins. Walking toward his cell, she looked into his eyes and

spit on the floor in front of him.

"Dog, we fought for honor this day. What can you say you fought

for? I should split you where you stand, but do not wish to taint my

blade with the blood of a coward."

As she drew breath to continue the verbal barrage, Ryes voice cut

through the air.

"Stand down, Ensign. He is to be left alone until the Capt, deals

with him. Am I clear?"

To Jarel and everyone else in the room, the challenge hung in the

air. The Klingons chest rose and fell in heavy labored breaths and Jarel

kept a close eye on the dagger she held at her side. Everyone could see

the war raging in the Klingons eyes as duty warred with the emotion of

battle. Finally, the Klingon turned and as she left Jarel hear her say.

"I understand, but I won't forget."

After they finished their reports the other guards left leaving

Ryes alone with Jarel.

"Thank you, Lt."

"I didn't do it for you Deschaine. She was stepping out of bounds

and needed to be stopped. Nothing more nothing less. When she cools

down, she'll forget it ever happened in the first place. Besides, if the

doctors had to patch you up again so soon, they could file a complaint

on the way we treat our guests here."

As he readied himself to apologize for his earlier attacks, her

commbadge chirped and the gravely voice of Ensign Norden could be heard.

As they talked, Jarel tried not to listen, but when the Capt was

mentioned, he had to hear the words.

`She's summoning him here? Why not wait for him to come of his own

accord? ON THE Saratoga the Capt would have eaten you alive Ryes, I only

hope that it is different here.'

When she had finished speaking, Jarel could not hold the question


"Why summon him if you know he will come on his own?"

"Why did you summon him, Jhari? Is he getting to you that much that

you want to rush him to his fate? Or are you afraid the man the Prophets

spoke to you about in your vision is standing across the room from you

willing to die for a machine that will never love him back?'

The thoughts came unexpected to her, as Jarels question registered

in her mind and for a second all Jhari could do was stand at Castles

desk to keep her balance. Pushing the betraying thoughts out of her mind

she turned her head to face Jarel and prepared to answer.


<More to follow>>