Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"-`Sympathy Pains'

<<Stardate: 47307.17- 12:05>>


Epic and Francois finished their second drinks

and Epic was certain Francois was about to order

another when he felt an enormous wave of pain. It

was not his own, but came from a telepathic source

nearby. He turned in his chair.

The room was so crowded that it was almost

impossible to tell from whom it came. Epic shook his

head and turned back to Francois. The mans

inquisitive look was dismissed by an off-hand wave

from Epic. Francois nodded and waved for the


As Francois began a ribald tale that took place

on the Nova after Epics departure from it, the

Betazoid was distracted by a distant voice in his

head calling out to a familiar name. `...kestra...'

Epic turned again, silencing Francois, and he

heard it again, with more power. `..Kestra....'

Epic noted Lt. Kait Brennan leaving the Lounge

and was certain the subdued waves of psychic pain

were coming from her. He was also certain that Kait

was reaching out to Kestra Prynne. He considered

following her, but thought better of it. Brennan might

resent his eavesdropping, even if it was accid....

`What in Hades am I rationalizing for?', Epic

thought. `I do as is needed.' He stood to give chase.

"Excuse me, Francois. I have to..."

Before he finished, Brennan returned to the

Lounge, her limp and her pain more pronounced.

Epic left Francois somewhat confused, but went

directly to Kait Brennans table.

She did not see him approach. Her pain

distracted her completely.

"You should be in quarters.", Epic suggested."Or

shall I assist you to Sickbay?"

"Commander..?", Kait seemed confused in her pain.

"My orders came in. It's `Captain' now. But you will call me Epic."

"Epic...", she tried to subdue her pain.

Without a seconds consideration, Epic moved to stand beside her.

With effortless fluidity, he scooped her from her chair and stood,

walking toward the doors of the Lounge. All eyes watched the strange

scene with a mixture of puzzlement and humor. Many rumors were born of

that moment.

"I really don't need your help, sir.", Kait struggled with

futility, the effort enhancing the pain. "I am quite...."

Suddenly, she felt an electrical charge course through her. And

after that, she heard music. But the music was not heard with her ears.

It was heard with her mind. And her heart. She had never heard the piece

before, but it spoke to her pride and her lonliness and she was sure

that if she could play the violin, she would have written this piece


And they had entered the turbolift without her awareness. As she

remembered the world outside the music, she realized that the pain in

her leg had faded to a subtle throbbing. But, when the lift opened onto

Deck 16, near Sickbay, Epic walked with a pronounced limp, until,

finally, he was forced to lean against a wall.

Kait slid gently to her feet, freeing herself from his grip. The

music stopped. She looked into his cold blue eyes with astonishment. Her

pain was gone. No, not gone. She saw it in his eyes. For only a second.

Then, he seemed to... to...

And with a suddeness that sent a chill up to the nape of her neck,

Kait saw the pain in his eyes turn to an unwholesome pleasure. And, like

a machine, he straightened himself up and walked into the Sickbay

without a word. She simply stood there with her mouth open.

"Was that Captain Terrakian?"

Kait turned around to stare straight into the abdomen of a huge

man. She looked up at the bisected blue face of a Bolian Security


"Was that Captain Terrakian?", he asked again in a gravelly voice.

Kait nodded slowly and walked away. The Bolian nodded his thanks

and entered the Sickbay.