Subject: Grail: `Last Look Back'- `New Faces'

`New Faces'

by Lt. Logan Castle

Castle completed his second reading of Taralaks file. He was half

Romulan, so to Castle, that only made him half scum. He shook his head

in self-recrimination. That wasn't fair. He had done his duty to the

Federation and had assisted in the success of their primary mission. No.

Terrakians primary mission. Castle was certain that the Federation would

not risk war so that the Grail could lay hands on a Cloaking Device.


=^=Donucci to Castle. Report to Transporter Room 5. A federation

Captain has just been rescued from a destroyed Klingon Bird of Prey.=^=

"Acknowledged, Lieutenant.", Castle responded with an expression of

exaggerated surprise. `Shit happens all at once here.' He rose with a

sigh, clipping his phaser to his hip as he left his chair. He leaned

back and deleted Taralaks file from the screen. He tapped his commbadge.

"Castle to Taralak. Change of plans. Meet me in Transporter Room


=^=Understood.=^=, came the reply.

Castle found Dimitri en route and grabbed him, steering him in a

new direction. "Come with me, Ensign. We have to greet a newcomer."

Dimitri pulled back his elbow with a look of consternation, but


They exited the turbolift and entered Transporter Room 5. The

Andorian Chief, Velaj, nodded his greeting. Castle nodded in response,

then looked at the totally dishevelled man sitting on the transporter

pad, drinking what looked like.....

"Sir.", Castle addressed the superior officer. "Are you consuming

Romulan Ale?"

The man smiled tiredly, raising the dark bottle. "I am toasting the

deaths of all those who served me best. Want a shot?"

Castle stepped forward and accepted the bottle. "Sir. Romulan Ale

is against Federation Law." Then, Castle looked around in mock

conspiracy. "But, in order to properly prosecute, I must determine if

this is indeed Romulan Ale."

With that, Castle emptied the contents of the bottle, which wasn't

much, down his parched throat. The kick was awesome. He loved it.

"Sir.", he smiled in gratitude. "I am afraid this bottle is empty.

Therefore, no crime was committed."

They each smiled tiredly, then Castle added. "I am sorry to hear

about your people. I lost some good folks today, too."

At that moment, Taralak entered the Transporter Room.

"Lieutenant Taralak. I am Lt. Logan Castle. Welcome aboard. Allow

me to introduce you to Captain.....", Castle looked to the older man.

"Trellor.", the man said with some suspicion in his eyes as he

looked at the Romulan. "`Doc' Trellor."

"Lieutenant. Please conduct Captain Trellor to suitable

accomodations until Captain Terrakian can avail himself." Castle nodded

to his new Security Assistant. Then, Castle handed him a phaser. It was

a meaningless act of trust.

"Of course.", Taralak nodded. "Captain...."

Castle watched the pair exit the transporter room. He wondered,

with a small grin, what they would talk about.

But, he quickly gave up the daydream. He wanted to check on Eve.

"Computer. Locate Lt. Eve Mallory."

=^=Lt. Mallory is in Science Lab 4.=^=

Castle nodded to Velaj, then left the room.

Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer, USS Grail