Subject: GRAIL - "Last Look Back" - Company??
Kyp hears the door chime and tells whoever it is to enter. To much
of his relief it is Lt. Alison Donucci.
"Oh come in Lt. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable."
She walks in a takes a seat at the table closest to the window. Kyp
sets up a small display in front of her. He isolates part of it and
magnifes it. He shows her, quite possibly one of the most beautiful site in
the galaxy, a collection of ten stars in very close proximity to each other.
"Lt., this is what I call the Great Brightness. I have figured out
where our first stop should be, but this beautiful piece of nature stands in
our way. The only way to avoid all gravitational pulls from it is to by
pass it here, which would tac on an extra month or so. Since you know this
ship better then I do, I was hoping that you could plot a course through
some of this gravity to shorten the time span. Well, what do you think?"
Kyp very obviously checks her out, before looking back at her eyes.
He catches jsut a wiff of perfume, and it drives him crazy. *Work first,
play later* he thought to himself.
He sat there watching her think if she could plot a course.