Subject: GRAIL - "Last Look Back" - Company??
Alison studies the display that Kyp had set in front of her. Pushing
her hair out of her field of vision. The site she sees is a beautiful
one, but not for navigating. "It seems you do have a bit of a
problem." Noticing the young man has trouble looking her in the eye
she tilts her head a little just to make sure that he knows that she
is talking.
"I think we might be able to use the gravitational pull of the stars
againts each other to minimize their effect on the Grail"
Alison continues to study the display as Kyp seems to be bit distracted.
Alison bites on her lower lip as she thinks for a moment. "The course
would still be a bit winding, but we should be able to cut some of the
travel time down some and possibly use the gravitational pull of the
stars to save some of the Grails resources."
Leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs she inquires. "Do you
have any other thoughts or ideas that you think might be usefull?"
Thinking that turn-about is fair play Alison checks out Firespray as
she waits for a response.
CFO Lt. Alison Donucci