Subject: Grail: "Last look back" - 'Surrogates' (Firespray/ Brinn)
<<OOC: Takes place just before "Grail's Women's Quior".>>
Athalya Anne hobbled into the TL, still mourning her loss. *Get over it.*
a little voice in the back of her head told her. *You'll survive.* But for
once, she didn't listen to that little voice.
Terror. Pain. Agony. All these emotions assaulted her heart with a
frequency and intencity she hadn't experienced in years. "Ohh...." An
unwarranted moan of dispair escaped her lips. Athalya Anne leaned against
the wall of the turbolift, unable to support herself. *Control.* Her
Vulcan training reassarted itself. *Control.* She rubbed the word like a
healing stone over her mind. Within a few moments she had reassarted her
*Where on earth did that come from?* Athalya Anne impassivly wondered. She
didn't have to wait long; the TL stopped. In the frame of the 'lift stood
a small, young looking man. All of the emotions she had just experienced
were eminating off of the young man. For once, her ulitarinaistic values
shined through, not because she thought they were right, but this once,
because they were the only things she could cling to, in the midst of the
young blonde's terror. Once again, Athalya Anne acted with out really
thinking, she took the young man into a gentel hug and let the newly
reastablished calmness of her mind wash over his.
Kyp was suprised by this sudden hug, although he didn't pull away. He
embraced her as if she was his lost mother. He held her and began to weep a
little. All he could think about was that his family was now part of the
Borg collective. He could still hear them, but he was starting to block it
out. Images of his mother flashed before his eyes. He missed her so much.
Suddenly, without any concious thought he said in a low weak voice, "mama".
Athalya Anne didn't let his words phaze her. "Shhh......" She pressed his
head closer to her shoulder and rested hers on top of it, rocking him back
and forth. "Shhh....." Athalya Anne renewed the calmness that she
projecting at the little blonde. "There there...."
Her gentle rocking comforted him. He hadn't embraced anyone like this since
he left Gamma Alteries. He dried his eyes and took a deep breath and leaned
back a little from her. He looked her right in the eyes and said, "You
remind me of my mother, very much so. A strong women, that is yet very
sensitive at the same time. I miss her so." Kyp looked down at the ground
as he spoke the last words. His eyes began to fill with tears again, but
this time he fought it. He wouldn't cry he would find a way to make the
Borg pay for what they had done. He would rise to the expected leader he
was suppose to. He would reunite the Alterians. His expression changed
from sorrow to confidence as he looked back at Athalya Anne. He could see
his mother's face in hers. He almost felt like she was right there in the
room with him.
Athalya Anne looked down, hoping to break up the intamant moment that had
"I'm sorry. Really. About your mother, that is."
The TL stopped at deck ten. Athalya Anne left without looking back. *Don't
let that little chit get to you.* she admonished herself, but couldn't help
feeling the need to take care of him. *You'll only get hurt. Don't do
it.* She sighed. Today was a good day to get drunk.
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn and Ambassador Kyp Firespray