Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"-`Getting While the Getting is Good'

<<OOC: In an effort to advance the time a little so

that we might proceed with our quest, this post will

bring us to the next day. If anyone yet has anything

that simply must be resolved prior to this post,

please remember to include the Stardate and Time.

Thanks, All.>>

<<Stardate 47307.17- 16:00>>

<<Battle Bridge>>

Epic Terrakian sat in the Command Chair and

read the repair effort reports as they scrolled by on

the display on the chairs arm panel. Things were

shaping up well. By tomorrow, they should be able to return command

functions to the Main Bridge. After the battle, it was a mess.

Epic turned toward the turbolift as the Beta Shift Officers came on

duty. At this point, Major Brinn would relieve him, but she needed her

rest. Or, her alcohol, as her impromptu concert in 10 Forward suggested.

He admired her spirit and her strength. Epic was not so certain he could

make music after being crippled. But, then, he supposed he had, once.

After everyone had settled into their positions, Epic stood and

addressed Lt. [jg] Hopi Brescalia. She was Betazoid. Epic had always

thought that Betazoids SHOULD be at Tactical. It was where their talents

best served.

"Lt. Brescalia. I want scans of the surrounding area up to 1 light

year. I want you to pay particular attention to the `dead spots'. We're

still too close to the Romulans." Then, he turned to the rest of the

Battle Bridge crew.

"We will be shoving off within the hour."

Then, Epic moved toward his Ready Room.

"Lt. Brescalia. You have the Bridge."

<<Ready Room>>

"Terrakian to Fionn. Report to my Ready Room. ASAP."

After a short delay.

=^=Understood, Captain. I'm on my way.=^=

Epic nodded for no reason and reread the report on Fionn. He was of

mixed heritage, like Epic himself. They both shared a common Terran

half, but Fionn was half Koheen. They were a humanoid feline race and

they were reputed as skilled hunters and tacticians. Fionns file

suggested this was true.

The doorchime sounded, shaking Epic from his report. "Enter.", he


Fionn seemed to stalk more than walk into the room. He checked

every corner, looked over everything before his bizarre eyes finally

settled on Epic.

"Please. Sit.", Epic extended his hand to the seat opposite him.

The Koheen sat, though he did not seem comfortable being still.

Epic leaned back in his chair.

"Lieutenant Fionn. You were immediately considered for promotion to

Assistant Chief Tactical in the wake of the death of Lt. Deric Stone.

However, only an hour ago, I received orders to release Lt. Cara Hatcher

to the custody of the Indiana for return to Deep Space 9. These orders

came from Admiral Hatcher herself."

Epic and Fionn exchanged a look that showed a mutual disdain for

such nepitism. But, it passed.

Epic stood. Abruptly, startling a lightning reaction in the Koheen.

Fionn was standing before Epic was. Epics eyes widened in surprise, but

his expression narrowed as a sinister smile spread across his lips.

"Without reservation, Lt. [jg] Fionn, you are hereby promoted to

full lieutenant and you will assume the responsibilities of the Tactical

Department. Congratulations, Lieutenant." Epic extended his hand.

As Epic returned to his seat, Fionn did also, but warily. That was

what Epic wanted. This man was on the lookout for everything. Even in

familiar and non-threatening surroundings.

"I want to tell you what my expectations are, Lieutenant. First and

foremost, I want your department to be as sharp and paranoid as you are.

This is not a `cheap shot', Fionn. A Tactical Officer is supposed to be

paranoid. I filled the duty for seven years, so my expectations are

high. Tactical is the Security of this ship against foreign invaders.

From here on out, everything we encounter is a foreign invader. We are

not an Ambassador mission. We are a Search and Rescue. Everything out

there wants to consume us. Be ready.

"Also, as we make First Contact with the new races and cultures on

the way, I expect you to accompany all Away Missions, with the express

purpose of determining the tactical strengths and weaknesses of

everything we encounter. Treat every encounter like we might have to

annihilate them one day. Because, we might have to. Let the Counselors

worry about their moods and dispositions. I want you tell me how to kill


Fionn sat unblinking, absorbing all the Captain had to say. After a

few moments, Fionn stood.

Epic stood. "Now, lieutenant. You have much to do. Dismissed."

Fionns face was impossible to read as he left the room.

Epic left the Ready Room about an hour after Fionn did. He had

taken a quick catnap [he realised the pun and shook his head]. Fionn was

at the Tactical station conferring with Lt. Brescalia.

"Open a channel to the Indiana.", Epic ordered.

"Open.", Fionn reported.

"Commander Hunt.", Epic called as Corvette Hunt appeared on the

Main Viewer. "Because of the increased activity of the Romulans in this

area, we will be leaving as soon as all Grail personnel are transported

back. Lt. Cara Hatcher will be assuming command of the Indiana for its

return to Deep Space 9. Captain Hillary Singh will be joining us on our

trip. When all Grail crewmembers have returned home and Lt. Hatcher has

reported to you and relieved you, you will also return."

=^=Understood, Captain. Hunt out.=^=

Epic nodded and turned to the Helm. "After Commander Hunt has

transported back, take us to warp 5, heading 025 mark 072. Lieutenant

Fionn, you have the Bridge until 2400. I will relieve you then."

Epic turned to the turbolift and exited the Bridge.

"Deck 12.", he commanded. He wanted to go to the Nursery to see

Kaede. He NEEDED to see Kaede. He just needed to be with someone whose

only expectations were to be loved.

<<Another post will follow, bringing us to 47307.18- 0800. Thanks.>>