Subject: Grail: Last Look Back: Back In The Bar Life Again (Fionn/ Brinn)
Ten-Forward bussled with activity as it had been a long and disaterous fight
against the Romulans, however, the Grail had returned victorious. The doors
slid open as Fionn entered, he tensed slightly as people filled the
beautiful lounge. Looking about, he found who he was looking for, the XO of
the Grail, who sat at the far end of the Lounge, within a window seat.
Stepping up he smiled, "Excuse me ma'am, is this seat taken?"
Athalya Anne stood. Or at least she tried. The peg leg and the vodka
didn't mix well. She fell backwards, over her chair. Gigling like a
lunatic, she righted her chair and then hoisted herself into it. She
giggled some more, "Of course not, Lie.... leu.....lieutennan...ant."
"Please Cmdr, no need to stand." He replied as he tried to help her sit back
down, his long blond hair tied in a pony tail, and his cat-like eyes
sparkled as he still remained 'alert' of his surroundings.
But apparently not aleart enough. Athalya Anne hooked a right to his eye.
"For one thing, lie....lieu...., I am not a Starfleet monkey. I am a
Marine, boy. A lie... Lieu.... lieutenn... leiut... Major in the Marine
His hand came up and grasped her fist as he smiled slightly, something
within him clicked, but he reframed himself as he backed away slightly.
"Excuse me then, Ma'am, I was helping my superior officer, I could careless
if your a Marine or not." He replied.
"And another thing, lieu..." Athalya Anne gave up on the probability that
she would be able to choke out the word 'lieutenatn'. "I was in my seat
before you felt the need to 'hep' me up. And another thing, if you call me
ma'am again, I will prove the difference between Staaaaarfleet Security and
the Marines."
He smirked to himself as he regained his composure, "Sure thing Major."
She sniffed and poured them some vodka. "This," she gestured to a sleeping
officer, "is Lt Alison Donucci. That," Athalya Anne gestured to a redhead,
"is the lovely Dr. Miranda St Claire." The doctor and Athalya Anne smiled
at each other.
"Pleasure to meet you Dr." He replied as he nodded to her.
"No doubt you are wondering just wha...wha... what it is we're doing here."
Athalya Anne said in her best officious voice. "Our mission is," she
paused, wondering just what it was she was going to say next.
"Perhaps to find the Voyager, Major?" He smiled, she is going to hate
herself in the morning.
"Is to drink until we can't stand." Athalya Anne corrected himand with
that, she poured him a glass of vodka.
Taking it he lifted it in the air, "To the Voyager, may we find her in one
piece." and down the tube his drink went.
"Aye." Athalya Anne and Miranda clicked their glasses to Fionn's. She
poured them some more.
It wasn't as strong as the olde 'FireWine' that his race made, but it has a
little punch.
He looked at the Major, "Perhaps someday I'll let you sample some of my
FireWine, it makes this look like Algonian Ale." he replied as she poured
him another.
"Well my Quarters is quite a ways away ma...Major, I think I wouldn't want
to have you asleep when I return with the stuff.
Athalya Anne pouted prettily. "You would hide it from me?" She asked as
she downed the glass.
"I don't sleep alone." She stoicly informed Fionn.
"If you wish." He replied as he stood and made his way out the door. Ten
minutes later he returned with a large jug.
"I don't know if this is against personal property regulations, but, this
will give you what you want and quick." He replied with a smile, it was
finally time to relax. The liquid was a red/orange color as he finished
pouring it into Athalya's glass. He raised his glass, "To the Grail, may
she find her holy treasure." and with one gulp, the 'FireWine' burned down
his throat, though he was use to it, he still made the face.
Athalya Anne set down her glass. "Fantastic, as always." She wasn't going
to let this little upstart think he could out drink her, and she waited to
see if he would attempt it.
She grinned. There was a tint of wickedness in it. "If you'd be so kind."
Athalya Anne downed it in half a heartbeat.
"So, Fionn, what puts you on this ship?"
"Another glass Major?" He replied as he poured another for himself. Once
again the liquid flowed so smoothly into her glass.
"It seems to be the better deal." He replied as another glass almost filled
itself even before Athalya put it down.
She raised it to him, "To a wonderful host."
"Cheers." He replied as he down his, still making the face, however, the
three glasses of FireWine seemed to have little effect on him.
"So Major, are you always this friendly to your new Senior Officers?" Fionn
replied as he noticed her eyes.
Athalya Anne eyed her host. "No," she quipped, "Only to good looking
He smiled, he was indeed handsome, his features where slender and
'cat-like'. His hair was almost 'mane' like as it was long and tied into a
pony tail. Ears where pointed, almost appeared like an 'elf', much like
ancient fantasy literature. Although he wasn't muscular to the sense, he was
more of an atheltic built, he seemed to keep alert with his surroundings,
almost at a paranoid level.
"Well, perhaps your too young for this blond." He smiled as he teased.
Athalya Anne barked out a laugh, "Young man," she began, "I am nienty years
old." She grinned at him, "Well over the age of concent."
He laugh, "I know Major, I've looked at your records, VERY impressive." He
replied as he wished she was more sober.
"Or.... " she paused, trying to remember the right word, "Terifying."
"It takes alot to terrify me, Major." Fionn replied.
"Perhaps when you sober up, we could do a little training in the Holodeck, I
need the practice." He replied as he knew he had hit a nerve.
"Izzat so?" she asked, a wicked glint in her eyes.
"Perhaps then." she took a breath, and leaned closer to Fionn, "But I see
no reason to wait."
"Well then, perhaps now is a better time, since I have you at the
advantage." He whispered to her.
Athalya Anne looked straight into Fionn's eyes, which were maybe two
centimeters away. She stared, for a few seconds, letting her mind wander
around in his. She entered his mind as it was an easy thing do to, but then
she felt something, something primal and wyld as it tensed her slightly even
in her drunken state. It seemed that this new guy had a few cards up his
sleeves. All she could feel was that primal wyld force, it seemed that
Fionn's telepathic powers where there, but untrained.
"There's alot of things you don't know about my race the Koheen." Fionn
replied as he whispered.
"That may be so," she whispered back, "But I'm willing to learn." And with
that, she covered Fionn's mouth with hers, giving him a steamy kiss.
Pulling away he looked at her, his emotions still remained hidden, "I though
you where willing to show me in the Holodeck your skills."
"They can wait." She whispered into his ear.
"You don't even know me?" He replied as he looked about, perhaps the Major
was something more than just a hard-ass.'
"I know you well enough to know that I want you." She responded.
"Well, in this state Major, I think most people feel the same way, I
certainly don't want to jeapordise my relationship with you." He replied
slightly a little shocked that the XO of the Grail was throw herself aat
"Don't worry. I still would have respected you in the morning." She
stood. "But, if you don't want to, I can respect that."
"Well Major, I do believe me, but more than just these events, perhaps once
you sober up, I would love to meet with you." Fionn replied as he looked at
Athalya Anne cocked her head to the left. She could never fully understand
why people suppressed their sexual urges. Even while she was sober, she
couldn't comprehend the idea. She nodded to Fionn. "Well, it has been a
pleasure." she grinned. "And, you've not seen the last of me." Athalya
Anne spun on her heel and left.
Fionn stood as the Major did.
"As will you."
Athalya Anne didn't hear him. The doors had already shut behind her. She
was going back to 10 Foreward.
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn and Lt Fionn