Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"-`Physician, HEEL Thyself'
<<Stardate 47307.18- 08:30>>
<<Deck 5- VIP Accomodations>>
Captain Epic Terrakian followed the contoured corridor until he saw
Ensign Tifa Charr standing vigil before the door to Captain Jall
Trellors apartments. She came to a smart attention, though the posture
only succeeded in enhancing her.
Epic shook his head. He really had been alone too long.
"At ease, Ensign.", Epic nodded as he stood before her. "Report."
"Yes, sirrrrr.", she purred. "The Captain was escorted here at
14:00 yesterday. I joined him forrr a small courrrtesy libation, then
rrreturned to my post. At 16:00, I was relieved by Ensign Norrrden. At
08:00 this morning, I relieved Ensign Durrrrak Nor. Since then, I have
stood my watch."
"Thank you, Ensign Charr.", Epic replied. "Excuse me."
Tifa Charr nodded and took a step to the side. Epic depressed the
door chime.
"Come on in.", came a gruff response from within.
Epic entered the room and found Captain Jall `Doc' Trellor sitting
at a table with the remains of a meal before him. Epic looked around the
room. Nothing seemed amiss to the casual eye, but knowing what he knew,
he looked to the commpanel near the door. It showed.... disturbance.
"My name is Epic Terrakian."
Trellor stood. "Jall Trellor."
"I have read the reports of your near destruction aboard a Klingon
Bird of Prey that exploded just off our prow only eighteen hours ago. It
was fortunate that a quick thinking lieutenant and an expert Transporter
Chief managed to save your life. They are being considered for
There seemed to be a build up in the air of irritation around the
Betazoid Captain of the Grail. Trellor waited for what came next.
"I would be very much interested in hearing the tale that brought
you here over a drink. However...."
`Here it comes.', Trellor thought.
"....That can wait. First, I was wondering, if you are through
reconfiguring my systems, taking unrequested privileges from my
computers, and sending encrypted subspace messages to an unknown
location.....", Epic took a breath.
"...Perhaps you'd like to slap my face and sleep with my wife!
"You show an incredible amount of disrespect for a man whose
molecules would be travelling at the speed of light right now if we
hadn't saved your ass."
They stood staring silently at one another for a moment.
"Well?", Epic asked.
"What's up, `Doc'?"