Subject: Grail: `Last Look Back'-`A Walk in the Park'

`A Walk in the Park'

by Lt. Logan Castle

<Stardate: 47307.17- 12:45>

As Castle approached the doors to Science Lab 4, they opened. A

Science Officer, Lirzinji'kav, Castle recognized, exited. They faced one

another as the doors closed.

"Sir.", the Cygnan nodded.

Castle disregarded the protocol and tossed his head toward the door

to the lab. "Is Lt. Mallory inside?"

Lirzinji'kavs expression was distant, but he focused long enough to

say. "Yes, sir."

Castle nodded and approached the door.

"But....", the Cygnan stopped him. "..I was asked to leave so that

she and the Chief Engineer could discuss some private matter."

Castle pursed his lips and considered that for a moment. "I guess

I'll check in on her later. Where you headin', Lirz?"

Once again, Lirzinji'kav realised that he was still involved in

conversation. "Oh. I have to run a diagnostic on the computer core."

Castle nodded. "Well. See you around then."

Lirzinji'kav nodded in response and left.

Castle decided to head to his quarters and get some rest. Maybe

shower first. He still smelled like battle.


<Holodeck 12>

The setting sun dappled the golden leaves, the chill breeze

stirring them on the almost bare trees. The ground was a carpet of red

and gold and Castle walked aimlessly.

To his left, the old mansions of Central Park East were beginning

to show their lights. It would be dark soon. In the near distance,

Castle heard the clattering of iron rimmed wheels on cobblestones and

the softly tinkling bells of a horse carriage.

A baseball thudded softly nearby, rolling in front of Castle. He

stooped to pick it up.

"Hey, Mister. Over here.", an expectant boy of about twelve called,

holding up his open glove. Castle threw him the ball. He nodded with an

appraising grimace. `Not a bad throw.'

The kid held up the ball in a salute of thanks and ran off.

Not far off, on the cobbled path, a couple walked side-by-side.

Between them, a small child, a girl, held each of their hands, bridging

them. They were perfect.

And Castle knew that this scene did exist on Earth in reality. And

he knew that all the fighting and killing and dying he was responsible

for made that scene possible. That mother or father or little girl might

not ever consider that they might not have ever been born if it weren't

for people like him. People like all those in the Corp, or Starfleet,

who faced the monsters of the Galaxy so that some little child could

enjoy the changing leaves with their mommy and daddy.

And Castle hoped that being out here, staring the monsters of the

Galaxy in the eye, that his fighting and killing and, finally, dying,

will insure that that little girl will grow to have a little girl who

will walk in the park, enjoying the changing leaves with mommy and


Because, if his being out here didn't make a difference, then all

the sacrifices he had made would all be in vain. Sacrifices like never

being a daddy. Never walking in the park, holding his little girls hand,

and watching the leaves change.

"Watch out!", he called to the family as the horse-drawn carriage

made the turn onto the path where they walked. The parents led their

daughter off the path to allow the carriage to pass. The father waved

his thanks for the courtesy. The little girl waved, too, mimicking her

father and smiling at Castle.

Castle waved back, then stopped.

Would he ever make a difference out here?

For Logan Castle, the saddest part of that question was that he

would never get back to know the answer.

Taking a deep breath of the cool evening air, he sighed. Then, he

continued walking. He still had some thoughts to sort out. And some

thoughts were best considered after dark.

Lt. Logan Castle

Chief Security Officer, USS Grail