Subject: Grail - "Last Look Back" - "Amazing, Part II"
<Continued from "Amazing, Part I>
=/\= Ramin to Dr. Ramius, I'm sorry to wake you up, but I need to =
see you NOW! I'll be in sickbay. =/\=
William rolled over groggily in his bed. *What the hell* he
thought to himself. The man who had called him had, quite rudely, =
William, terminated the connection. William crawled over to sit on the
edge of his bed. He stood, and slowly eased out of his clothes and put =
the uniform hanging over the back of his chair. He zipped up the outer
tunic and picked up his glasses off his desk. Grabbing his blue medical
jacket by the door, he stalked off to Sickbay.
> <Sick Bay, 15 minutes later>
> "Dr. Ramius" Oku Ramin said, "I have found these bacteria in all the
tissue samples I got from the wounds of the injured officers"
William trudged across the room, and held up his hand for Ramin to
stop. Ramius ended up at the replicator. "Coffee, black, sweet, 90
degrees Celsius," he said. The mug appeared and Ramius took a long sip
before walking over to Ramin. "It has been my experience, Doctor Ramin,
that senior officers are only disturbed in their sleep when it is
extremely important. Don't disappoint me, Doctor."
> "My analysis of those bacteria are here" and he gave Dr. Ramius the =
with the results of the genetic analysis.
> "My theory, Dr." continued Ramin "is that anyone is somehow injecting =
these bacteria onto the wounds of their disruptor targets, in a way
that could be during the blast, they penetrate."
"Very interesting," said William as he put on his glasses. "This
information is very interesting indeed," he said, excitement creeping =
his voice. "Leave it to the Romulans to introduce a virus via disruptor
blasts. I take it that you've erected a bio-field around those shot?"
Ramin nodded. "Of course."
> "I would like to check the wounds of those who are
here" >
"By all means, Dr. Ramin. Let's do that. I may be the new CMO,
but I'll be damned if there's an epidemic on this ship while I'm =
> Then Dr. Ramin scanned the wounds of three injured officers, who were =
asleep due to the sedating hydrabizepam injection.
> "Tricorder scans are positive for the bacteria" Ramin replied. "As you =
might know, the only antibiotic known for this bacterium is the =
Vulcan-made oxabiomycillin, but gene manipulations have encoded =
oxabiomycillin resistance."
"Yes, Doctor. I have done some instruction at the Vulcan Academy
of Sciences. I am familiar with what you speak of, and it seems that
simple treatment will not do in this case."
> "I've made some projections." he continued. "By the end of the day, =
these people will be having life-support devices on their heads and two =
days later die painfully. What are your orders?"
"That is unacceptable, Ramin. This is obviously something that
the Romulans are convinced we cannot break. Let's prove them wrong, =
As soon as the next shift reports in, we'll have them break out the
support devices, in anticipation of what's to come. The next thing we
need to do is start reviewing the medical files of all hybrid or rarely
encountered species on board the ship. We can pull from sub-types of
terrans, we've got a Caitian, and a half-Koheen on board, as well as =
pointy-eared fellow, Firespray. Anything that might give us an edge
should be explored. It's very possible that this bacterial strain
originated in the far reaches of the beta quadrant. Species from this
area might be immune, or have antibodies to combat it."
> "=BFShall we tell the Capt. about it?"
"Yes, I'll send the captain a request for a meeting, and you can
present your findings to him. I'll be there too, but this is your
discovery, and your baby, so to speak."
<that morning>
Dr. Ramin spent the whole night checking the Fleet's Medical Records for =
any hybrid bacterium that might be helpful for the thing. Then he had a =
feeling, like the USS Indiana could give him some answers.
He stood up from the chair and watched his clock. It was 10 minutes =
before Alpha shift came in. So he grabbed his medikit, tricorder and a =
jacket (as he hadn't changed clothes) and rushed through the quarter's =
doors to the turbolift.
"Computer, is there any transporter room available?"
"Transporter room 3 available. Deck 7"
Oku reached the turbolift. Nobody there, so he got in as fast as his =
legs could take him (which was not much due to the hell of a night he =
When he got to Transporter room 3 (I don't know how) he nodded to salute =
the ensign that was there.
"Sir?" asked the ensign, looking at that weirdo with a medikit (have you =
seen a Thairian when he doesn't sleep?).
"Beam me down to the bridge of USS Indiana, ASAP" replied Dr. Ramin. He =
knew they were leaving, so he wanted to have a chance to take samples.
"Aye, sir"
<USS Indiana, Bridge>
Oku materialized in the middle of the bridge of the USS Indiana. As soon =
as he was there he took his med tricorder and scanned the whole room. He =
found some strange readings down the main aisle. He went that way, only =
to find a weapon. But what a weapon! It looked like a Romulan disruptor, =
but had some sort of device attached to its cannon. Oku tricordered it. =
The baby (the tricorder) did a lot of chirrs and whirls only to say that =
there were some bacteria there, in suspended animation. He took it and =
continued his exploration.
As soon as he finished his 40-minute-scan he heard some noise down to =
the captain's ready room.
OOC: Here comes the story with Corvette Hunt and Oku Ramin. Sorry for =
the disorder, but this had to be hard stuff. The following will be two =
hours after where Oku's story left, down at Ten Forward"
<USS Grail, Sick Bay's BioLab>
Oku was there, recovered from his strange experience, analyzing the =
weapon he got. He sampled the bacteria and made some cultures.
"Computer, set storage case temperature at 37 degrees Celsius and =
biological containment field class 4"
"Done" replied the computer.
"Computer, open a general comm link, authorization Ramin upsilon two =
"Link Established"
Oku took some air and continued: "The following officers please report =
ASAP to Sick Bay: Athalya Anne Brinn, Corvette Hunt, Logan Castle, and =
Taralak, for some blood sampling. Briefing will be made as you get here. =
Also, anyone injured during last mission report to SickBay ASAP for =
"Computer, finish link"
=/\= Oku Ramin to Capt. Terrakian, I need your presence here at =
SickBay. Ramin Out"
OOC: Please, anyone involved here report as asked. Just send me your =
arrival to Sickbay and I'll take care of everything else. Any comments =
are welcome. So for tomorrow's post can have the answers I need your =
Also, Dr. Ramius, please be in Sickbay by this moment.
Alfonso aka Oku Ramin