Subject: Meeting of the minds

Captain Jall Trellor

"Doc" - Ship's Counselor

USS Grail? I think it is

After finally seeing who this Terrakian fellow was, Doc sat back down

calmly knowing that this man was a fellow Betazoid.

"Ok Captain, first things first....for the info on my ship, what the

hell happened to her, ect, ect....That is Federation Security..and you

know that means. END OF DISCUSSION...Now as for reconfiguring your

systems...I am cooped up in this damn room for basically two days, and

reading my prison guards' mind was REAL easy, and her mind was full of

info.....therefore what is the FIRST THING A PRISONER DOES...TELL! or

should I quote you chapter, page, paragrah, ect, ect of the Federation

Officers Manual on being detaned by hostile forces. Since I am 1000

parsces away from's a little redundant to escape." as Doc

crossed his arms in a defensive posture usually only humans use

WHAT!!!...HOSTILE FORCES?....." as Terrakian looked like he could


"What the hell am I supossed to think....My prison guard is standing

right outside that door, and I can still read her mind, as well as I can

read yours!" as Doc points to the door that Terrakian just walked thru.

"And since your Betazoid, you can read mine...but due to training my

mind to cloud it from unwarranted search you might say, I can cloud

thoughts that I need hidden." as Doc still looking Terrakian square in

the eyes went over to the replicator to get himself a glass of romulan


"I don't know what or who the hell you are, but your intrustion and

audacity to redo my systems is beyond belief! as Terrakian slowly calmed

down but still frustrated at Doc's secrecy.

Doc ignoring that last statement tried to switch subjects.

"Now I read in someone's mind yesterday, that while your ship's

counselor is gone, you would need a replacement...and since I am

Betazoid...I can fill that position well..since I am a certified

Counselor myself." as Doc came back and sat at the table and sipped his

steaming hot tea

"Captain Trellor, being a counselor is a good job here, but no counselor

uses the term Federation Security...that a term only those people use"

as Terrakian looked a little uncomfortable knowing Doc had cracked a

devious smile without giving away his thoughts.

"Oh Captain, I have quite a number of friends who are those people, and

remember, without them, the Federation would be a far different place

than we know it today!" as Doc looked at Terrakian like a wizened old

man looks at a student.


Over to you Captain