Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back"; "Dizzying Effects"

"Dizzying Effects" Part I.

By: Lt. Kait Brennan.

<OOC: Sorry for the need to post this into parts but RL has given me but an

hour a day extra with which to spend my time as I please. Actually it is

not that much but I have sacrificed Kaitlyn to my school long enough. The

next post will be tomorrow, in the same chapter. I hope this will not cause

any problems... but I don't think there should be any since there is no

character interaction here. It's just another boring post to give my

character something to do. >

<<Stardate: 47307.17- 12:25>>


Kait watched in stunned amazement as Epic Terrakian walked, rather hobbled,

into Sickbay. It was as if her injuries had transferred to him. At first,

she felt very guilty that he was to suffer because of her, but she dismissed

the feeling with the acceptance of the fact that the action was completely

his choice. Instead of feeling guilty, she should take advantage of the

benefit which he had conferred onto her.

There was no pain. The surprise from that revelation brought a smile to her

face. How wonderful! She felt completely refreshed. Thank you, Epic!

A Bolian officer interrupted her raptures over the alarming occurrence, and

Kait only answered him in order to remove his distracting insistence on a

response to his singular query. At the response, he left her in the

corridor and she wondered at its sudden emptiness.

Now there was the occasion to put her time to use. She now had a chance to

enjoy her day off. What was she going to do with it?

The adaptation of the cloaking device was an unwanted yet pervading thought

in her mind, and she pushed it away with every ounce of will she had... she

had a day off for once in her life and she wasn't about to throw it away!

Yet... everything else seemed to fade in comparison, and the idea never left

her, even though she rejected it every time... until finally she gave up the

fight. It was the curse of an engineer to have an inner dedication to their

work. This was a pleasing thought since it hinted to Kait that this was,

indeed, her calling, despite her previous doubts that perhaps she should've

chosen a more progressive field.

Putting little further thought into the idea, she glided in a graceful gait

towards the turbolift, and upon entrance said with more vivacity than usual,

"Main engineering, computer!"

As the TL traveled, she took notice of the great change in her composure and

to prevent others from commenting, she wiped the smile off her face. After

all, she didn't need anyone to make any smart remarks, such as asking if she

had a 'good time' last night.

The TL doors opened and Kait saw several engineers standing at various

places in Engineering, in front of consoles. Kait noticed that one of the

consoles was shorted out. Probably a result of the battle, but it was

surprising that it appeared as if only one had suffered any ill effects from


A couple of officers were taking fancy to Kestra's prize: the cloaking

device. One person who should've been examining the device was not. Kait

walked towards him and exclaimed, "Ensign K'tel! What exactly do you think

you're doing?"

Anybody else would've taken a defensive posture in response, but K'tel was

content to devise a shady facade in an attempt to make her believe that he

was not at all affected by her reproach. Instead, he merely took his time

turning around to face her, and with mock civility, said, "What *exactly* do

you mean?"

It created the most comical sight for a Klingon to exercise sarcasm, but

instead of laughing, she continued on the parody by saying, "Why, certainly

you *must* know!" Gradually becoming more serious, she continued, "You, of

all people, should have first hand knowledge of these devices."

Actually that was just an assumption, which there was a great chance of that

statement being inaccurate, but she was glad to find that he did not make an

attempt to correct her. Instead, he gruffly replied, "That is NOT a

cloaking device."

Kait looked at him incredulously. "Of course it is! Don't be silly."

"The design is completely different. I've already looked," he replied.

"Perhaps so, but surely there must be some similarities which will help us

to learn how to adapt it to the Grail."

Becoming sore on the subject, he said with more intensity, "On the contrary!

There is more different than there is the same... Sir." He maintained his

stiff composure which Brennan regarded as mock formality.

Her amused disposition at his intensity of emotion was fleeting. "Ensign, I

would strongly that you not take that tone of voice with me."

She didn't think he would respond, but she didn't provide any sort of

opening for such.

"You are going to assist me in devising a means of adapting this cloaking

device to the ship's systems." It was more of a statement of fact rather

than an order. Never had she got more enjoyment by the control she was able

to exert, and the excitement of knowing that her control was unsteady and

dangerous: just like standing on the edge of a cliff and daring the wind, by

one sudden breath, to send you flying down in a perilous spiral to the

ground. On second thought, maybe she was getting far too much enjoyment out

of this for her own good.

Ensign K'tel pulled the tricorder out of his side holster, wielding it as if

it were a weapon, and trudged closer to the position of the engineers who

were still captivated by the cloaking device. Brennan followed K'tel, and

as she approached the other two engineers, she said, "Excuse me, boys, but

can you find some place else to play? K'tel and I have some work to do, if

you don't mind."

Their resentment at being ridiculed then dismissed was obvious. Brennan

seemed to be grating against everyone today more so than on a usual day.

One ensign sighed unhappily, turning to walk away, and the other walked

inches past her, giving her a mean glare, which was a rather pathetic

attempt to intimidate her. Kait couldn't help but smile at such an

interesting staff. Getting reactions, especially ones to this degree, had

never come as easily, and knowing that she had the power to have such an

impact was a comforting thing to know. Somehow being ignored gave her the

sense that she did not exist and that she was not important enough to even

be given any regard for what she said. It was a careless way to get

attention, but it was worth the risk... and Kait had no need to worry so

long as there were no permanently harsh feelings against her and the work

still got done.

The task at hand was with what these other skilled engineers deemed elusive.

"Let's start from the beginning, K'tel..." Kaitlyn began.

<To Be Continued>


"You have the right to swing first. However, if you choose to swing first,

any move you make can and will be used as an excuse to beat the shit out of


You have the right to have a doctor and priest present. If you cannot

afford a doctor or not presently attending a church of your choice, one will

be appointed to you. Do you understand what I just told you -- ASSHOLE!"