Subject: Grail: 'Last look back'-'Invitations'
OOC Note: This post is part of the 'Last Look Back' chapter and takes
place before 'Getting to Know You'.
<<Stardate: 47307.17- 20:10>>
<<Deck 3>>
DeMontigny exited his quarters and headed for the turbolift. He had
had a restful sleep, but had gotten up early before his shift. He still
needed to find players for his poker game. But who could he ask? He
hardly knew anyone on this ship... He reached and summoned the
turbolift. Maybe he should ask the first potential player he saw.
The turbolift doors opened and François stepped in. "Deck ten." he
said, it was time for breakfast. On the way, the lift stopped to admit
two other crewmen. Actually, a crewman and a crewwoman. The first was a
young yeoman François had seen in Ten-Forward, but couldn't remember his
name. However, he knew the Bajoran/Cardassian woman that walked in from
his days on the Nova.
"Lt. Arda Kaje, nice to see you again." he said. Arda just looked at
him blankly.
"We met briefly on the Nova. My name is François..." he started.
"... DeMontigny, yes I remember you now." she finished.
François got an idea. Since he knew her, why not invite her to the
"Lt, have you anything planned for tomorrow morning at 8:00?" he
"Excuse me?" Arda retorted, misunderstanding him.
"No, I'm not asking you out on a date... I'm organizing a poker game.
Are you interested?"
Arda thought about it for a moment, then nodded.
"Ok, sure. Why not?" she said.
"Parfait!" François thought of the yeoman, "And what about you,
Rogers started when he was addressed.
"Me sir?" he asked, unsure.
"Sure, I know you about as well as anybody else on the ship! Are you
"Like the Lt. said, why not? I'll be there, Lt..."
"DeMontigny, François DeMontigny." François introduced himself.
"Vincent Rogers."
"Enchanté. Then I'll see you two tomorrow at 0800 hours at holodeck
The TL doors then opened and François walked out, heading to
10-forward. When he got there he headed for the bar to order breakfast,
but saw someone familiar hunched over a table. He walked over to her.
"Lt! How are you this fine evening?" he asked Alison Donucci.
No answer.
"Lt? Are you alright?" he touched her shoulder and she crumbled onto
the table. François could smell the alcool on her breath.
"I see..." he said, looking around, "Well I can't leave you like this
now, can I?"
Bending down some, he slipped an arm under her legs and the other
behind her back. As he lifted her, her head fell back and her hair fell
away from her face. Thanking the powers that are to have given him such
beautiful superiors, François carried the uncouncious lieutenant out of
<<Donucci's Quarters - 20:35>>
François gently laid Alison down on her bed and prepared to leave
when he looked at her again. She was truly an attractive woman. Her
uniform did nothing to reveal her figure, but François knew women enough
to see it anyway. Her nice long legs gave way to wonderful hips (hips
where François' favorite part of the female anatomy) which were followed
by an attractive tummy topped by a beautiful pair of breasts straining
against her uniform. In fact, maybe she'd be more comfortable sleeping
without her uniform... What was he thinking?! This was his direct
superior he was thinking of undressing! It would be wrong! But still,
she would have no way of knowing, and what you don't know...
François looked at the beautiful woman sprawled before him on the
bed. Helpless. Unceremoniously, he pull the covers over her and walked
Joint post
Lt(jg) François DeMontigny and Lt. Alison Donucci (sort of)