Subject: a new morning
Captain Jall Trellor
"Doc" - Counselor
currently on a Fed vessel
after waking up, Doc did his usual, went to the com panel to see if he
got any mail....(some traditions never die), he got no mail as he looked
around getting access denied, and unauthorized access errors..
"Hmm..Ok, let's have a looksie" as Doc checked the started to open up
the programming of a "VIP" prisoners com panel. After checking the
energy flow and communication paths thru the programming, Doc realized
that any mail could be tracked, decoded, blocked and a whole host of
other things without the "prisoner's" knowledge.
"So, these boys wanna have fun I see, about if old
Professor Trellor takes you to School." with that, Doc got into the code
which was modular in style..easy to find stuff, and easy to debug..which
was good news to programmers and communications people. Doc started to
get the coding and block the access paths and after an hour or two, had
left just the main computer, engineering and the Main Scanner array as
avenues into and outof this prisoner's com panel.
Hmmm (as Doc looked for the time)..must be near lunch by now as Doc
thought to himself...naw..I'll eat later...
"OK..what's next...Oh yeah..securing all channels" Doc used his skills
to pry into the main computer's access for Engineering and found the
isolinear chip set for communications...And started to play with the set
by making software to manipulate the hardware which was easy to do..what
made it hard was he was dealing with new chips with new codes and access
numbers which all took a lot of time to figure out. In about another few
hours, Doc had a line from his terminal through engineering to the Main
Scanner dish to send out signals, usually in a high frequency modulated
pulse beam..which make it very hard to detect, track, decode, ect, ect.
"HMM..Ok ( as Doc's stomach growled from lack of food )...time to eat,
then creat my password whoever spy's on this terminal..would
have no access to my stuff and messages" as Doc cracked a smile..knowing
after all these years..what he learned in the academy...still worked.
It was early evening and Doc had finished his break, He went back and
poured over his work...and thought of his passwords..which were usually
easy to create...but a hassle to remember..."Ah..I know..I'll use my
usuall access codes...since noone else has them...I don't need to worry"
with that Doc put in his access codes..and saved the group of programms
into a file buried in the data access files of the main computer where
No One Looks for stuff...
Next was to try it out....
Computer...Code access Omega Black level 6 Trandor Grey.....
|Computer Voice: channel Captain Trellor|
"Hendry..this is Doc...I don't know what the hell is going on here..This
is a Federation vessel alright..But they're treating me like a prisoner
here..with access only to the common areas and they gave me a terminal
where they thought they could read my mail. I know this message will get
to you in at least several hours..send your reply secure channel like
usuall...Oh yeah...I think the Captain here is named Terrakian...
Doc out"
"Computer send message and erase original, message log and message
|Computer voice: ............action completed|
"Good.. who ever these boneheads are, the message I sent has no trace of
it ever they don't even know I sent one out...I just gotta
find out who they hell they are...Federation officers don't treat thier
kind like prisoners...somrthing is going on here. And I'll find out"
"Ensign out there!" "yes sirr" came the quick reply as the
ensign came quietly in the room
"Now I'll tell ya something...I don't like being treated like a
prisoner...and no, They don't always want to socialize" as Doc looked
sternly at Charr like a father looks at his child when the child screwed
"But sirr, I didn't" knowing full well, those words was what she was somehow..The old her thoughts...
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