Subject: relaxing in Delta Quad
Captain Jall Trellor
"Doc" - Counselor
It was long past the dinner hour when Doc finished his message to
Hendry..and he knew that a stuffed shirt Vice Admiral will not be happy
at the thought of Trellor being kept cooped up for no reason by a
Federation crew...and then this Terrakian fellow..whoever he was..Doc
would find out thru the personel files at StarFleet Command, But he
could send for the info tomorrow. For Today, Doc was thru.
"Ok now for a good question..Where in the hell am I?" as Doc slowly
crawled out of his nice comfy sofa back to the com panel to get a map
fron Stellar Cartography, or the position from the navigators panel on
the bridge.
He hit a few keys, patching into the astronomy lab, which he knew had a
link to SC.."Computer, give me a current star map of the surrounding 100
Parsecs of space. and point the area out on a map of our galaxy."
|Computer Voice....accessing...........creating map...complete|
Doc looked at the maps with trepidation, then with abject horror as the
map of the galaxy said it all.
"Oh my GOD!!...I'm here again...not the Delta Quadrant!. 1000 parsces
from home..hmmmmm..let's 60 LY an hour...that will take 50 hours
before StarFleet gets my message." at that, Doc sunk in his chair
getting slightly depressed knowing it was by sheer luck that ship found
that wormhole 15 years before, and now he was back of all places in that
same damned quadrant again.
"Oh damn..time for a drink" as Doc went over to the replicator..and
after playing with the controls..saw the replicator spit out a
delicious, compared to what normal Federation replicators make it taste
like, a nice bottle full of Romulan Ale.
Popping it open, and taking a nice long swig..."AHHHH...that's better",
now for some food to go with it..."Ah...some smoked salmon will go
nicely" with that Doc sat at the table, and enjoyed a nice dinner.