Subject: Grail:"Last Look Back"-'Summons'

<< USS Grail - Battle Bridge >>

Janice sighed with relief. All their people were safely onboard, with

only a few injuries in the lot. She nodded to Donucci to continue the

reconnection of the ship's two sections. She would have rather done it

herself, but one doesn't often find the officer in charge of the bridge

at the engineering terminal. Making a few subtle changes to the course

of the saucer section, she nodded to herself with approval. She

obviously knew what she was doing. *Quite a talented officer,* she

thought with a smile.

Luckily for Janice, it also gave her a chance to relax. She needed it.

Epic's last words rung in her head. She was to report to him

immediately after contact with Brinn was made. *Well, considering that

she's in sickbay... I think I still have the bridge. I can't possibly

report to him now...* she thought, an evil grin forming on her face.

She wasn't going to run to his becking call anymore than she was to run

to the previous captain's. Even if he was Epic, and not just some


After the connection was completed, she congratulated Donucci on a job

well done, then ordered everyone to stay on the battle bridge until the

main bridge was sufficiently repaired and... cleaned up. She shivered.

She didn't envy those who had to clean up that mess.

She suddenly realized how many repairs she was going to have to make.

Her shoulders slumped for a moment, before she caught them and

consciously straightened them. She was in charge - she had to stay

calm. Even if she wasn't going to be able to rest for the next couple

days. Both the Grail and the Indiana needed extensive repairs...

espeically the Indiana. She had this awful feeling that she wouldn't be

getting any sleep or any rest at all for a long time. She closed her

eyes. *Why now?* she thought unhappily. She was already so exhausted.

Janice didn't know how long she sat like that when suddenly her

commbadge beeped

=/\= Mallory to Hargen. =/\=

Janice opened her eyes, a curious expression replacing the exhausted

one. *Eve Mallory... I haven't spoked more than two words to her this

whole trip. What on earth would the Assistant Chief Science Officer

contact me? I wonder if they have found anything interesting...*

"Hargen here," she answered, a bit of excitement in her voice.

=/\= I need to speak with you, Lt. Commander. In Science Lab 4. =/\=

Janice sat straight up. *Oh God.* Her heart stopped. She could feel a

knot in her stomach form almost immediately.

=/\= Now. =/\= Mallory said coldly, then ended the communication.

Donucci turned towards Janice.

"Is everything all right, sir?" she asked, concerned. She must have

seen the look of absolute terror on Janice's face. Janice blinked and

smiled slightly, consciously erasing the expression from her face.

"Uh, yes.. of course. Alison, you have the bridge. I have to go to

Science Lab 4 for a moment. Transfer command to the main bridge when it

is completed." Janice stood up, gripping the chair's handle for

support. "Good luck, Lt."

With that, she left the battle bridge, dreading the upcoming encounter

with everything in her.


LtComm Janice Hargen