Subject: Off to relax

Captain Jall Trellor

"Doc" - Ship's Counselor

USS Grail

After relaxing and finding he couldn't sleep, Doc went over the Ten

Forward to start out the windows and get a night cap...and mabey that

would put him to sleep.

Walking thru the door, it was just being like on another Galaxy class,

but Doc remebered when it was just the Galaxy and the Yamato and there were...who knows how many. Doc chuckled at the

thought that this strange looking exploration crusier type actually

caught on...

"Uh sir, uhh..were a little like closed sir" came from a bartender

behind the bar as he was finishing up for the night.

"Don't worry about me kid, I just couldn't sleep...." as Doc wandered

over to the big window, sat down and just looked out.

The place was quiet as the last shift had just called it quits and the

new shift had just went off to work...and the only sound was the

bartender wiping off the tables, and doing the last bit of cleaning that

was needed to do.

"Sir, I don't recognize you....are you new sir" came a short question as

the barkeep stopped for a bit

"Captain Trellor....but people call me Doc....I happen to be the new

ship's coulselor" as Doc continued to scan the stars as if looking for


"Oh..then you must of seen our Captain..." as the barkeep looked with


"Yes. I've met Terrakian...and you know ( as silence fell with Doc

looking for words to say) he has a habit of making enemies too

easily...and when senior officers are made into enemies...the way a ship

runs is...(Doc shaking his head with dissapointment at Terrakians lack

of maturity) shit"

"Yes sir, I have heard others also talk about the Captains ability of

making himself very unpopular" as the barkeep went on about his business

"Hey, by the way...can you make me some Romulan tea, on the sweet side,

It will help me sleep" as Doc turned around to see the young barkeep

that Doc was talking to.

"Yes sir...It will just take a minute..." as the young man..headed over

to the replicator and had the device make the tea for Doc."By the way

sir...How did you get here?" as the barkeep handed a cup and the tea

over to Doc

"Well...let's say my ride got caught in a fight...and I was the only to

make it...and your ship picked me up." as far as when I arrived...I'd

say three days ago I think...but the days just kinda you never

really know..." as Doc started to drink his tea.






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