Subject: having fun with romulan technology

Captain Jall Trellor

"Doc" - Ship's Counselor

USS Grail

OOC: I am assuming that the cloaking device is outside of engineering in

a seperate conpartment, if the device is in engineering, please tell me

IC: after having the tea back in Ten-Forward, Doc decided to wander

around the ship...Being a counselor, Doc was generally restricted to not

going to Engineering and onto the Bridge (OOC: which is Poppycock due to

Troi being able to get on the Bridge) according to Terrakians wishes.

Doc just laughed since with the computer access, anyplace on board can

be reached.

Wandering down thru the turbolifts and along the halls of the seemingly

empty ship, Doc came accross Main Engineering...peering in, seeing the

people talking, and checking the equipment while at least 600 others

were sleeping on the decks above. Doc wandered on and saw a small

enclosed alcove close by which held tucked along the wall connected with

ample power lines and conduits, a romulan cloaking device.

"Now what the hell are you doing here...aren't you illegal to

far as I know..we haven't gone to war with the RSE which means a

court-martial offense for that bum upstairs..Mr Terrakian.

oh well...he'd better have a good excuse why he has one here...hmmm, I

think he did say they were attacked by romulans though, which if you

twist the hell out of the treaty....hmmm...oh well...let's have a look

at you." at that time Doc knelt down and gave a good look at the minorly

beat up device.

Doc went back to Engineering, and finding one of the engineers coming

close to the door.."PSST..hey ensign, can I grab one of your tricorders,

I wanna check something out" as Doc stood by the door with his hand out

"Uhhh" as the young man looked Doc up and Down.."and sir, why would a

counselor be needing a tricorder...sir?"

"Now young man...should I ask nicely...or should I make it a direct

order....and can even come with me and watch..who knows, you

might even learn something" as Doc thrust out his hand expecting the

tricorder to be given to him

"Sir...a counselor...teaching an engineer...this I gotta see" as the

young man handed the engineering tricorder to Doc

as Doc looked at the tricorder..."Damn..i wish it was a romulan

version...I'm used to those" as Doc turned to the young man.."You got a

science tricorder as well..just in case of leakage, and power drains and

overloads and backfeeds thru the connecting systems which all lead to

engineering I see."

looking confuzed.."But sir...what are you going to look at?"

"The cloaking device you guys installed...fairly recently...mabey within

the last 2 or 3 days I presume." as Doc watched the young man walk back

into Engineering and in a few minutes..and another man..a LT(jg) by the

looks of it walked up to Doc..."can I help you sir?"

"Ya, actually, your nice piece of romulan equipment I just spotted. I'm

gonna look at it, to see if it works properly with no drains or

backfeeds, or radiation leaks onto the other engineering systems.

"Well we can handle it counselor, and anyway...we are the engineers,

It's our job to those kind of if you don't mind sir..we have

work to do" as the two men started to walk back to Engineering

"By the way gentlemen, can your replicator make me a nice black and grey

uniform...I goes well with my mood right now." as Doc stood up with a

devilish grin on his face

peeking back aroung the corner.."Uh sir, black and grey happens to

belong to Intelligence....what are you doing with a counselor's uniform

on?" as the ensign handed Doc a science tricorder

"Thanks kid" as Doc looked at the ensign..."And as why I am wearing a

counselor's uniform..well...I happen to be the ship's counselor

currently...The name happens to be Trellor, but you can call me Doc"

as Doc turned the corner to go to the cloaking device...

"Hey are you guys coming to help..or are you just gonna stand there?"

as Doc looked at the two men who really had work to do, just couldn't

pass a chance like this up, and walked out into the hall way to join Doc

"Hey wasn't there a officer doing scans on it earlier?" asked the ensign

as his superior officer turned towards him..."Yes..I think we went to

the computer to check his scans"

At that, Doc sat back down in front of the device to see if the device

would work with the Federation Technology differences that the Romulans

had built into the cloaking devices


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