Subject: Burning the midnight oil #1
Captain Jall Trellor
"Doc" - Ship's Counselor
USS Grail
After grabbing the two young officers witha small trek to science where
the not so small gadget was put. Doc noticed the science labs were
strangely empty.."Hmmm not like a whole shift to dissapear like
this....oh well" as Doc thought aloud..
The three gentlemen looked around for possible power links to use,
"Damn...if this was engineering I could go right to it...but this isn't
my department" as the lieutenant looked somewhat confused..
"Mine either" as Doc stood there getting an idea
"Ok guys, can we make a power transfer link thingamajig" as Doc looked
at the perplexed engineers.." mean a power that can
be transfered from engineerng to here?" as the young ensign tried to
" see, this is a romulan device with romulan power
peculiararities, and we need to make it accept Federation power types,
can we make something that sends fed power to a romulan device without
blowing up the damn thing?" as Doc tried to make it easy to understand
"OH, okay...ensign, grab a 3402 power tranfer cable, female on both ends
and the one with the green stripes" as the ensign took off towards
engineering to grab what hopefully would work.
The engineer then looked at the device.."So, where is a damn panel that
we can take off, so see the guts of this damn thing?"
"right here" as Doc knelt down and reaching around to the side and
popped open the slide and sliding it to the right, the wiring showed up.
"Right I've looked at these damn things for years, but since
I'm no Romulan engineer, that's why I volenteered you guys" as Doc
looking at the lieutenant and starting to laugh
"Hmmm, damn I wish I had a scematic of this baby...with that I could fix
it blindfolded" as the lieutenant looked for a power link up so the
power cables could be installed
Doc got up to check the computer logs of the scans the young officer did find his scans were right on, but the young man didn't have
the knowledge of the roadmap the computer gave him.
At that time the ensign came in with the cable as the lieutenant grabbed
a connecting power cable for the power link up with the device
"Ok, I'll scan the thing, as you guys feed power from engineering.
ensign check the engineering tricorder to check for any feedback, drains
or radiation ...ya got that." as Doc grabbed the science tricorder and
hoped he could figure it out since he hadn't used one since his academy
days 26 years earlier
"Ok Doc, I have good feed in with nominal change...we have no problems
yet." as the lieutenant patched in engineering and sent in the power.
Doc checked the logs to see that no internal damage had occured which
was very lucky to have occured. "Ok guys...lets try an
experiment...Lieutenant...try to creat a power web thru the power link
network and conduits" "WHOA, hold on Doc...remember...we need another
cable since it's romulan power coming out..." as the lieutenant reminded
Doc..."Oh yeah..I forgot" was a quiet reply
"Ensign....ensign...damn where did that kid go" as Doc looked around.
the lieutenant laughed figuring the kid had ran off to engineering to
grab another cable.
after a few minutes, the ensign came back with a second cable and the
ensign looked perplexed..."Uh..sirs, shouldn't we suport the device with
a base or a it doesn't fall and go boom"
"The two older officers happy to see the ensign hit themselves on the
head..."Damn kid's right ya know" as Doc saw the ensign with a funny
grin on his face.
"Ok" as the three looked around looking for a stand or a support
"Ah!, here's one..." as the ensign grabbed what looked like a big flower
pot and hauled it into the room where the men were working
The two officers laughed out loud at this funny sight as they couldn't
believe that a cloaking device will be held up by a dumb flower pot...or
what ever it was.
"Ok guys, where is the power out relay" as the lieutenant looked it
over....hmmm mabey this looks it."
after the ensign had hooked up the cable, connected it to the power link
which fed into the wall socket...Doc's little experiment would start
"Ok guys we want full the honers...and please we
want slow power feeded into it...not to overload the system so to
speak.." as Doc grabbed the tricorder and headed to the computer
"Ya, Ya I know what ya mean sir....okay baby here we the officer
headed back to engineering to start the test
"Okay ready?" as Doc turned to face the young officer
"As ready as I'll ever be sir" the ensign looking at his tricorder and
the device waiting for the lieutenants signal.
after about 3 minutes..."Ok Doc, ready here...shall I start sir?" as the
lieutenant got ready
"Ya go ahead" was Doc's simple reply
The test started up with everything looking fine for a few seconds
"Ok guys...I've got a relay chocking and weezing in jeffries
tube...lemmie looks like JT20" as the lieutenant sent the
ensign to go check it out.
OOC: part two, next post