Subject: burning the midnight oil #2

Captain Jall Trellor

"Doc" - Ship's Counselor

USS Grail

The test was running smoothly for a few seconds when a sharp eyed

lieutenant spotted the porblem..

"Ok Doc, she's overheating there...we hafta shut her he can

check it out..."

"Acknowledged" as Doc grumbled as the device's humming slowly stopped

until it sat there cold and dead

"Yeah, my scans say the cloaking device didn't like our power either,

she worked...but she's really complaining" as Doc answered back to the


in a few minutes, the ensign had reached the jeffries tube, and spotted

a few burned out power couplings and looked like a small


"Sirs, we have a slight problem here. the couplings and fuses were fried

sir...that power overloaded the relays here..and well you know the

rest.....shall I stay here and try and fix it...and replace the parts

sir." as the ensign looking a little uncomfortable at telling the bad


"Ya kid, go ahead, your the expert over there" as Doc looked in dismay

at the cloaking device giving them a few problems

"Well Doc, at least we know the power fed thru to the ship sir...we

actually had a 1% em emission drop...your cloaking device did work"

"Ya lieutenant...but we need 100% em emmission drop, I don't know if we

can ever get there..but we sure as hell can try." as Doc sat down

looking at the device to see if anything on the inside fried

The lieutenant taking the tricorder scanned the device..."Hmm...looks

like a fuse...there sir ( as the lieutenant pointed to the spot), we'll

need to replace it"

Doc looking at the young officer.."Oh great and just where are we gonna

get a romulan fuse...we are 1000 parsecs from home...who are we going to

call...The Post Office mabey?" as Doc stood with a sarcastic smile on

his face

"Well sir...we were able to transfer romulan power thru our lines..mabey

we can fix this with our parts..."

"I hope so young man...I hope so" as Doc looking dejected wandered off

back to his room to finally go to bed and try again the next day

as Doc wandered down the hall, Doc looked back at the lieutenant..

"We'll call it quits for tonight, close up shop..since you guys have

work back in your department...I'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok sir, I'll disconnect everything and tell science to leave it alone

until we can figure out what to do next" as the lieutenant got to work

finishing up and then heading back to engineering where he had some work

to do


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