Subject: Grail:"Last Look Back"-'The plot thickens'

<<USS Grail - Outside of Battle Bridge>>

As Janice stepped off the battle bridge, she took a deep breath. *This

isn't happening,* she kept repeating to herself over and over again.

She couldn't deal with another person knowing... what she was. It was

almost impossible to handle the first time, but Epic had been so

sensitive, and he had promised not to say a word to anyone. But she

knew nothing of Mallory. She had never even really spoken to her.

Anything could happen.

She blinked back tears. She hadn't gotten this far to lose everything

because of one last ditch effort. She had done "what she had to do,"

just what Epic had told her to do. She headed towards the turbolift

with dread in her step though, and she closed her eyes to muster all the

energy she had left to make it through whatever was to come. Because of

this meditative stance, though, she didn't even hear Ensign Charon

calling her until he was right beside her.

She opened her eyes to see a flustered Charon - something she never

thought she would see on a Cardassian's face. Janice's eyebrows

furrowed in confusion. "Is something wrong, Ensign?"

Charon looked at her for a moment, almost looking like he was trying to

remember who exactly she was. "Sir... could I speak to you... in


Janice sighed to herself. *Why does everything happen all at once?*

She grimaced, but she realized that very little frightened Charon.. but

he did look almost frightened. "Walk with me, Ensign."

She set off down the corridor, Charon following behind her. She entered

the turbolift and waited patiently for him to join her. As the doors

closed, she addressed the computer. "Computer, is deck 15, engineering

support occupied?"

[Engineering support on deck 15 is currently unoccupied.]

After setting the turbolift towards there, she turned to Charon. "Now,

what is the problem, Ensign? Something engineering related?" she asked,


He shook his head vehemently. "No, sir... but it was something that

bothered me on the away mission. I feel it is my duty to inform you of

this. And you did tell us that you were always open to talk to..."

Janice leaned against the wall, exhausted. She put a hand on his

shoulder. "Go ahead, Charon." She was sure to use his first name to

make him more comfortable. Just then, the turbolift doors opened. They

entered engineering support, which was completely deserted.

"Well, sir..." he began, not sure where to begin.

"Janice. We are off duty," she smiled, sitting down. She made it look

as though she was just getting comfortable, but in reality, she really

couldn't stay standing any longer.

"I saw something.. rather strange. It was about Lieutenant (jg)

Mallory, sir... uh... Janice. She was able to withstand some rather odd


Janice's brow furrowed. *Mallory? The same Mallory that just called me

down to Science Lab 4?* Janice's curiosity was definitely perked.

"Strange, Charon?" she prompted, leaning forward in the chair.

"Yes. Like being able to take a disruptor blast full in the chest and

continuing to proceed on her work, as if nothing had happened. And

surviving a plasma eruption. She was completely immersed in the flow,

but she survived, sir." Charon's voice was incredulous. He had no idea

what to think or what to say. He just stood there, waiting for a

reaction from his senior officer.

Janice was in shock *Eve Mallory?! Something very strange is going on

here. I only know of a couple materials in the universe that are able

to withstand a plasma eruption...* She consciously stopped her thoughts

and stood, as much as it exhausted her to do so. *I need more

evidence. I can't jump to conclusions. I'll wait until I speak to her,

and then we will see.*

Janice smiled at the ensign. "Thank you, Charon. Thank you very much.

I shall speak to Lt. Mallory immediately." She again put her hand on

his shoulder, comforting him. "Don't worry about it, Charon. I'll get

to the bottom of it. And I do appreciate you coming to me." She smiled

at him again, trying to convey a sense of confidence which she didn't

altogether feel. He nodded and quickly left the lab, his duty done.

*This should be an interesting meeting,* she thought, as she sent the

turbolift to Science Lab 4.


LtComm Janice Hargen