Michiru Neptunus
Counselor in Training
Name: Michiru Neptunus
Age: 89 (22 in Earth year appearance)
Date of Birth: December 7, 2284
Place of Birth: Ormem
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126 lbs.
Hair: A light sea-green with deep accents of blue and streaks of silver intermixed; hair is wavy and extends to shoulders
Eyes: Dark blue
Physique: Slender and willowy, graceful, delicate
Other: Michiru looks nothing more like one of the sea nymphs of ancient earth mythology, with a pretty face registering high cheekbones, finely sculptured nose, wide eyes with dark lashes, gently curving eyebrows, and a small, full mouth. Her face has a gentle and nurturing quality to it. Her hands are graceful with slender tapered fingers. Michiru's complexion is a creamy ivory color.
Music and fine arts
- Playing the violin
- Painting
- Writing poetry
- Dancing
- Singing
- The ocean
2365-2369: N/A
Service Record:
2372-2373: None yet
2369: None
2367: None
Being a Siryn, she was trained extensively in the use of vocal emotional manipulation, or VEM. Through the use of song, she can amplify or downplay a person's emotional state. Contentment can become ecstasy, irritation turns to rage... You get the idea. It's also a great tool for soothing a troubled mind when used as a lullaby. Use of VEM can be mentally draining for a Siryn, so it is used only in times of great urgency. Michiru tries to use it as little as possible, and only when in self-defense or at the request of others willing to subject themselves to its effects.
Michiru was chosen to serve in Starfleet as an ambassadorial attempt for Ormem to join the Federation. However, her shuttle was taken captive by the Maxim. They impregnated her with human sperm, since it was the most closely related to her species, and kept her from taking her life prematurely with the threat of her brother's death. The child she was to bear was meant to be a superweapon, being bred with the genes of a great warrior. She never knew that they killed her brother Hokaru only moments after the taking of the shuttle. It was only after she and the others were liberated that she learned of his death, and spent one entire day in mourning. Since then, she has developed a will of titanium, virtually unbreakable. She has vowed to protect and raise her unborn child to the best of her ability, and refuses on no uncertain terms to have an abortion.
One of Michiru's darkest secrets is the frightening power of her vocal manipulation. When her first child was born, one of the Maxim immediately snatched it up and fed. The Siryn went wild with fury and torment, losing complete control of her ability, and sang The Black Song to destroy the Maxim for what he had done to her child. The Maxim proved to be immune to her song, however, and she instead ended up killing every other captive within vocal range. She regrets it bitterly, and is frightened of her powers, knowing fully well that they are as much a curse as they are a gift, if not more so.
Michiru is also fully aware that the Ormem Chancellor sent Michiru and eight others not as ambassadors to Starfleet, but to rid the planet of those with VEM. He knew of the danger it posed to the Ormemians, and didn't want to take any chances with the women. However, she doesn't wish to say anything regarding this, thinking that to join Starfleet is her last hope for a real life of her own.
Personality Profile:
Quiet dignity is the best term used to describe Michiru. She is not outspoken, and reserves her opinions until they are asked for. She's not shy or withdrawn, but on the other hand she makes no moves to draw attention to herself. Michiru cares deeply for the welfare of others, and has an innate sense of trying to heal those who are injured, and nurture those who are in need of assistance...protect those who seek sanctuary. She has a natural motherly instinct, partly instilled in her due to her pregnancy.
Special Notes:
Michiru has been well-trained in the use of a blaster, a weapon common on her homeworld. She also knows a great deal about science and medicine, since that was her major course of study on her homeworld of Ormem. She is also an expert horticulturist, and loves plants.

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