What was New?

(Year 1999)


- Site is going through Improvement changes:

A) Dropped Le'fastcounter method of tracking visitors. Now using Nedstats.

B) New Java Based Main OPS Page


- Three New Biographies: R'Kiriin, Primm, Tal (all with photos!)

- Added Castle pics


- Fixed Castle's pic eye color

- Removed Retired Players

- Reviewed Ackland/s bio

- Reviewed OPS logs, projects, rotations, what is, biographies, damage control to reflect change in head of OPS department

- Added Bios for: Butterworth, Posala, Isis, Ilizia, Paladakis

- Changed Java enabled page for the old one due to some players browsers incompatibility

- Moved all 1998 New events to a new page


- Added 8 New players biographies: CWDR, Manning, Bates, Jinx, Knox, Zane, Tamar, Mahina


- Added Zira's bio

- Enhanced rotations page with text navigational aids


- Added the 3 Storm brother's bios

- Removed Retired players

- Changed Charr status to NPC


- Added Rindo Kl'ia bio

- Modified Zane's job description


- Added Mystique and Mancusso's bios

- Modified Manning, CWDR and Tamar status to civilian

- Moved DeMontigny's position to the top of the Flight Control Department's Crew Roster (although some crew members will refuse accept such a thing)


- Removed retired players

- Completely removed Java version of site. Any browser should be able to see the pages we display (even old browsers)

- Changed Top Ops Banner to animated one (In New, OPS and BIO pages only)

- Updated a bit the rotations page

- Removed defunct Shuttle bay page link

- Updated new link to Marine Homepage


- Updated links to Shuttle Bay and Chat Page


- Updated bio for Kaitlyn Brennan

- Added new bios for Mike Alexia, and T'Ben


- Removed dead bios

- Updated Sunfall and Roak's bio

- Added new entries to Ops Projects and Ops Logs

- Added Michiru and Aai's bios

- Added The Maxim to the Newly discovered species page

- Updated the Joining the USS Grail pages


- Added Ayame's bio


- Updated Hunt's bio


- Added Helaman's bio and pic

- Added T'Ben's ICQ #

- Removed a player

- Updated the Joining Guidelines on the Main Grail Page


Bugs? Corrections? Broken Links?

Contact Corvette Hunt for Maintenance of OPS, Logs and Biographies