Subject: Grail: Spare Parts - Part 1 (Brinn)
<<OOC: I'm coming back (part - time). In mid February, I will be back full - time. This series will be the events leading up to Brinn's arrival.
Some of you from the Defender might recognize the first part of this post as Antigone, Pt. 1, but worry you not. The second half of this part and the subsequent parts of this series haven't been plagiarized as this one has.>>
-=1442, Wed. Outside of 3 Foreword =-
Athalya Anne stopped dead in her tracks. Before her loomed a large white light. *Well, that's not a fire...* she thought rather shockedly. Athalya Anne didn't even notice when she dropped the fire extinguisher on her feet. The light was mesmerizing. Slowly, it moved towards her.
*No!* she thought. The light seemed to reflexly move back.
*Well, Thalie, are you coming or not?* the light asked. The voice was familiar.
*Billy?* she asked it.
*Who else?* Athalya Anne smiled. He was as arrogant as ever. She smiled as the light came out to take her.
A white light shined brilliantly.
*Where the hell am I?* she wondered. Athalya Anne looked around for any distinguishing marks, but saw only the brilliant white light.
"Everywhere and no where." A voice behind her said. Athalya Anne froze. The voice was familiar. Very familiar. It was the same voice that she had loved for most of her life. It was the same voice that had convinced her to walk down the aisle. It was the same voice that was silenced forever at Wolf 359. Athalya Anne slowly turned to face it, half hoping it was him and half not.
"Billy?" she whispered.
"But of course." Neither one could do anything other than sit here and stare at each other for what seemed like hours.
The silence was broken by a sob from Athalya Anne.
"Shhhh..." Billy moved to take Athalya Anne in his arms. "Shhh...." he whispered as he held her. Athalya Anne clung to him for dear life.
"Everything's ok, Thalie.... Everything's ok...." Billy whispered into her ear. "Shhh...."
Athalya Anne simply couldn't believe it. This was a chance she had hoped for ever since Wolf 359. "Billy..." she managed to choke out. He held her at arms length.
"Look at you...." he whispered more to himself than to anyone else, "They've got you all dressed up like a Lieutenant Major...." Athalya Anne giggled weakly and sniffed.
*Come on, Brinn,* she thought, *Get a hold of yourself.*
Athalya Anne stared at Billy. "You haven't changed a bit...." she mused. "Of course not. You're dead."
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn
Executive Officer, USS Grail