Grail: True Q - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong is.... Mistaken (Brinn)<<OOC: Sorry for the backtracking, everyone. >>
<<Stardate: 47307. 16-14:33>>
<<Deck 10-Mess Hall>>
Epic looked into the wide blue eyes that were staring up into his. Then, it hit him. She was pushing him. This upstart wanted to see how far she could go. She was willing to compromise his command to see just how far she could push him. * Unacceptable * the Vulcan in the back of his head said.
"Major," Epic asked in a conversational tone, "How long have you been in service?"
Athalya Anne arched an eyebrow. This was NOT what she had expected.
"About seventy years. Why?"
"Then you are not unaware that insubordination does carry a rather heavy punishment. "
Athalya Anne gave him a look that clearly said 'duh'.
"However, since you are needed elsewhere, your punishment will be put on hold. " Epic paused and leaned into Athalya Anne's direct line of vision, so that all she could see was his face. "You may rest assured that yours will push the limits of the fourth amendment. "
Shannon/ LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn
"She holds the shotgun while you do-si-do..... "