Subject: Grail: True Q - Meet Your Leader. (Brinn)

<<Stardate: 47307. 16-15:55>>

<<The Freezer>>

Athalya Anne ran a hand over her mouth to ensure that she wasn't drooling as various Marines reported in. Fourteen men in peak condition in body suits was almost too much. She turned to the other females. Not much of a response. * Medical staff. Figures. * she thought disdainfully. She turned back to the Marines. * My goodness! I could get used to this. * The Marines now looked expectantly at her. * Leadership. Bah humbug. *

"All right, here's the deal; you have one hour to do what ever it is you need to do. Dress," her face fell slightly, "eat, whatever. " Athalya Anne smiled at Marritza's cat. * How cute. * "Then you are to report to... " she paused, trying to think of a place big enough to house them all, "Shuttle bay one in full combat uniform, from there, you will be briefed on our mission. " She paused, committing the sight of them to memory. This, she knew, would keep her warm for many, many nights to come. * Enjoy it, girlie. * Athalya Anne sighed. "Dismissed. "

And the Marines obediently fell out.

Athalya Anne gasped. "Major," the CMO said, "is something wrong?"

"Gods, yes!" she all but shouted, "I left the battle bridge without specifying who was in command!"

The doctor eyed her, as though Athalya Anne was stupid, "I'm sure they can take care of themselves. "

Athalya Anne eyed the doctor, enviously noting her proportions. "No, they're going to kill each other. " Athalya Anne eyed the doctor again.

The doctor noticed and gave her an evil look. "May I ask a personal question, doctor?"

The doctor looked surprised. Not knowing any better, she said, "Of course. "

"They," Athalya Anne gestured to her chest, "Are they real?"

The good doctor could only gasp.

Shannon/ LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn