Subject: Grail: Spare Parts - Part 4 (Brinn)

Athalya Anne stood there and let all of the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. "Ok... she said, "So on a less metaphysical stand point, why am I here?"

"Time has beckoned you." Billy cryptically said.

"Apparently so. Why?"

Billy only clasped her hand and said, "Look inside yourself and Time shall tell you."

Athalya Anne looked at Billy like he was insane. He blatantly ignored that look.

"Go on." He encouraged her.

Athalya Anne closed her eyes and, for the first time in Time only knew how long looked at her own soul. She didn’t like what she saw. Parts that were supposed to be on fire were frozen over and parts that where on fire were supposed to be frozen. There where a couple of spots where she had gotten it right, though.

"Focus on the ice, dear." Nathaniel’s voice, from what seemed to be kilometers away said.

* Well, Major *, A voice within herself said, *You’re not like any of my protectorate.* Athalya Anne didn’t allow herself to feel anything. Time laughed. * You still have questions *. It observed.

* Why am I here? *

* Because you’re not anywhere else *. Time responded.

* Why am I here? * Athalya Anne was not one to give up too easily. *Because the current path you are on is leading the Alpha Quadrant down the primose path.*

Athalya Anne was outraged. *What? I’ve never done anything but good for the quadrant and that’s not going to change!*

Time, ever patient, explained, *But that will change. You will save many lives over the course of the next two decades, Major.*

* And that’s bad because...? * Athalya Anne began but then remembered,

* Every life affects at least a million more. *Time finished that thought. *And some of those millions some will be turn out to be a couple of bad apples. In doing some people a favor, you will be condemning countless millions to death.*

* Ok, so what am I supposed to do, just hang out here? * Time laughed at Athalya Anne. *Of course not. The Alpha Quadrant isn’t the only place in the universe.*

Athalya Anne rebelled at the idea. *I will not sit on some God - forsaken planet waiting for something to happen!* That was outrageous to her mind. Being in a strange quadrant on an even stranger planet was repulsive to her.

* Not necessarily... * For the first time in quite a while, Billy butted in.

* Oh? * Athalya Anne asked. *I don’t know of any ships heading for the Delta quad. Do you?*

* Yes, actually. * Billy allowed Time to take back over.

* You are fated to arrive on the USS Grail not long from now. * Time began.

* The USS Grail? *

Billy smiled and squeezed Athalya Anne’s hand. *A Galaxy class vessel desperately in need of a good Marine.*

Even as he was saying that, Athalya Anne recognized that there was something that she wasn’t being told. * What’s the catch? * she asked/ demanded.

Time began, resuming it’s infinite patience, *You do realize that we can only tell you so much without taking the grandiose risk that you’ll use your newfound knowledge and mess up the timeline.*

* Well, it’s a risk you’re going to have to take * . Athalya Anne snapped at them. She hated having secrets kept from her. Nothing could make her madder quicker.

* No, actually, it’s not. * Time seemed like it lost a hare of its patience. *Be warned. You are not in the best of health since your little incident with Ensign Kaya and time travel has some nasty side effects.*


* Well, gee.* Athalya Anne was getting madder by the second. *Isn’t that nice? Don’t you think you should have told me before dragging me off to this damned place?*

* Oh, get off it, Brinn.* Billy scolded her, *You would have come anyway.*

Athalya Anne grinned. * Yeah, you’re right.* Her anger melted. *I love you.*

Billy looked sorry. *I’m sorry to have caused you all of that hurt, sis.*

* Nathaniel William! That’s the chance you take when you love someone. I’ll always be here... Whenever you need me.... *

Athalya Anne looked and sounded much younger than her ninety one years when she said, * I don’t want to go! * and stamped her foot.

*But dear, you must.*

Athalya Anne could only sigh. * Duty. * she mournfully thought.

Time seemed to frown. * Stay. Your loss can be compensated for. *

But Athalya Anne knew that Time was bluffing. The loss of one person, no matter how insignificant that person, could never be fully ‘compensated’ for. And she was tempted to call Time’s bluff.


* Go, Brinn *. A little thing called integrity nagged her. *You have a job to do. You’ll die soon enough, anyway.* Athalya Anne was inclined to agree with it, logically, but not emotionally.

Billy and Athalya Anne embraced for the last time for quite a while.

She stiffened her posture until she was standing at attention. *I stand ready.* Athalya Anne looked as though she were walking to the guillotine, proud but dreading it.

And then she was gone.



LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn

Executive Officer, USS Grail