Grail: Spare Parts - Part 5 (Brinn)<<OOC: I’m back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>
"Arise, shine, for your light has come...."
-Isaiah, 60:1
In a flash of white light, not unlike the one that originally took her, Athalya Anne appeared on the Bridge of the Grail, to the front and center of the Conn. and Ops stations. Her strength leave her left her before she had the chance to realize where she was. Simultaneously, she heard someone call out "Security to the bridge."
* Now why would they want to do that?* Athalya Anne absently wondered, The Marines can kick security ass.* More energy left her.
*Come on, Brinn.*, she thought, *Focus, damn it, focus! * But her knees paid her no heed. They gave way, but by some stroke of luck, Athalya Anne managed to retain some strength and she was able to catch her self on the corner of the ops station. *Now, that was entirely too close for comfort.* She took a deep breath, *Go on, girl! You can do it! *
Athalya Anne cheered herself on, *Collapsing on the bridge is not a way to make your grand entrance.* Her arms shook under the strain of holding up her own body. Athalya Anne’s vision began to fade around the corners. She turned on herself, * Good going, wench!*
And then, slowly, it began to clear. Strength of will began to assert itself. Athalya Anne’s knees began to solidify. She grinned weakly at the ops officer, a Vulcanoid male. * What a piteous state I am in.* she thought without emotion. *And pity is not good. Leave it to me to get into this kind of situation.* Self-decappreation tinted that last statement.
A mind washed over Athalya Anne’s. Since she hadn’t the strength to erect any sort of a mind block, she merely returned the probe.
What she felt tore at her heart in a way that it had never been wrenched before. She slowly looked at the owner of that mind. *By Surak, he has no soul!* Not entirely accurate, but pretty close. Waves of sorrow engulfed her.* How.... terrible!*
Captain Epic Terrakian, finding Athalya Anne to be incapable of attacking himself or anyone else, for the moment, moved to assist her. Under normal circumstances, she would have shrugged him off, but the probe had taken what little energy she had. Just standing was making her feel woozy. Athalya Anne’s vision went out, this time completely, but not before she caught sight of the petite Tactical officer training a phaser on her.
Athalya Anne’s knees began to desolidify. *Oh, great! Good going, Brinn! Just pass out, now! You look like a little girl playing ‘dress up’ in her mother’s uniform. And not even a clean uniform at that!* Her uniform was covered with dirt, sweat and lots of it. *The uniform of a working girl.* she thought flippantly just before her knees gave away all together and the blackness of unconsciousness came to take her away.
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn
Executive Officer, USS Grail