Subject: Grail: "Thank Q"- The Inseparable Duo

<<Stardate: 47307. 16- 14:30>>

<<Mess Hall- Deck 10>>

"And Major... ", he lowered his voice, lending it gravity. "When I say `after your meal', I mean `now'. " Athalya Anne looked at Terrakian. Then she began to work on her plate.

She honestly didn't give a flying fuck what he wanted her to do. If he ordered her to tap dance on the mess hall table, she would. When she felt like it. And right now, she didn't feel like running off to do this asshole's bidding.

At the same time, there was a little voice screaming in her head.

* Don't fuck with this mind eater, girlie! He'll eat you alive for breakfast! This is one nasty ass! * She looked him in the eyes. Blue.

Dark blue. They reminded her of Simon's eyes. To be specific, he reminded her of Simon. * Poor Mary. * she thought full of pity as she remembered the bride of Dracula. Simon, one of her brothers, had married Mary for the reason that she was emotionally volatile. Mary married Simon because she liked to be hurt. Sadness washed over Athalya Anne. She felt so horrible for the both of them. Largely because Simon's state was her fault. * Oh, snap out of it, Brinn. Are you getting soft in your old age? * She sighed and went back to eating.

"Major. " Terrakian's voice interrupted her after several minuets, "You have your orders. "

Athalya Anne dragged her eyes up to the Captain's. She said not a word.

They sat there and stared at each other, neither breaking the gaze nor the silence.

"Major. " Terrakian finally said.

"Captain. " Athalya Anne replied, speaking for the first time. "You might expect me to jump through your hoops, and since I'm a good little Marine, I will. When I want to. " she paused and let a trace of threat enter her voice, "But don't even think about removing me from my food. You'll find me less cooperative. "

Shannon/ LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn