Subject: Grail: Thank Q - Alcoholic beverages, dinner, the Corps (Brinn)

<<Stardate: 47307. 16-14:32>>

<<Deck 10-Mess Hall>>

* What on Earth? Is he trying to appeal to my sense of duty? You would think that I've made it more than apparent that it's virtually non existent. If I cared about duty, I'd be jumping through this ass's hoops. * A thought occurred to her and Athalya Anne smiled. "Captain," she said, "you've got it wrong. It's "Alcoholic beverages, dinner, the Corps. " Epic turned around and arched an eyebrow. "I stand corrected. "

"Oh, and one more thing. If the flashing red lights means Battle Alert, why in Terra's good name are there so many officers dining?" * Hypocrite. Take care of your kids before worrying about the neighbors. * She paused. Epic appeared to be about to say something. Athalya Anne stopped him. "Run along. You have your duties. " Epic didn't fail to pick up the faint taint of sarcasm on the last word.

Shannon/ LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn