Subject: Grail: Thank Q - The Babysitter

<<Stardate: 47307. 16-15:36>>

<<Battle Bridge>>

Athalya Anne strode onto the Battle Bridge. Her meal had been most fulfilling, but if you thought she simply ate and ran to the bridge, you were mistaken. Athalya Anne had the computer brief her on just what/where the hell they were, for what ever that was worth. She stopped to eye the crowd. Two Vulcanoid, and two humanoids manned the bridge.

Everyone stopped to look at the 'intruder'. * Well, time to show'em what you got, girlie. * She smiled briefly. "Hi. I'm Major Brinn and I'll be your acting Executive Officer. " They looked away. Apparently they had been informed of her impending arrival. Unsure of who the senior most officer was she simply gave out the general order, "Report. "

<Gentlemen, care to tell me just what it is you've been doing?>

She nodded. This was acceptable. Athalya Anne turned to access the dossiers. After about the fortieth one, she gave up. The crew read like a waiting list for one of the infamous suicide squads. "Computer, given a hypothetical situation in which we need one company of Marines, who is the best for their respective jobs?" The question was, admittedly, ambiguous. She sighed. Of course the brass would take this chance to clean out the cellar in which they kept the insane. She sighed again as the names popped up.

"Brinn to Chief Security and Chief Medical. We're waking them up. "

Athalya Anne walked around the freezer with the computer generated list as two security peons followed at a respectful distance. You never knew what state they would come out in. "I want this one," She tapped on one of the cryostasis chambers. "And this one... " Athalya Anne wandered around the freezer, picking out Marines like a kid picks out toys in a toy store. "And that one. " She consulted the list. "And that does it. "

The doctor nodded. Within moments, the chambers were bursting open with dethawed meat.

<<Gentlemen, take it away. >>