Grail: Thank Q - DonucciHall-way of the Grail
Leaving the conference-room at a brisk pace not wishing to face Loren, who had surprised her by showing up at the staff meeting after not hearing from him for almost a year. Such a confrontation in front of the other officers would not leave a very good first impression. Not that she gave a good impression by not paying much attention in the meeting, spending most of her time trying not to even look at Loren.
*As usual his timing leaves a lot to be desired, he always seems to show up at the most inopportune times and places.* Alison steadily heads for her destination thinking over her this new predicament she has found herself in.
=/\= "Lt. Donucci to En. Monroe, I need you to lay the ground-work for entering information on the Beta Quadrant into the helms computers. I will let you know when I have the rest of the information ready."
[Yes ma-am] replies the ensign..
*That should keep that Aussie occupied for some time, and it should reduce my workload a bit.*
Hall-way of the Grail
Lt. Alison Donucci....