Grail: "Thank Q"- `Conn or Ops?'<<Stardate: 47307. 16- 14:30>>
"Lt. DeMontigny. Report to the Battle Bridge. Lt. Stone. You will also report to the Battle Bridge. "
Alison move into position to take over conn as Epic leaves the bridge followed by Lt. DeMontigny glancing over to the ops officer who dared to tread on her department by answering the commander on the present position of the Grail.
The look she sent the ops officers way was meant to let him know not to do that again. * Of course it wasn't all his fault Epic didn't help be his confusion of where ops station is and where conn is located. * * No doubt the woman appearing on the bridge had him shook up a bit, though she was kind of pretty, pretty in a plain sort of way that is. * * Of course being thrown across the universe might of had something to do with it. *
Alison exhales and checks over the navigational reference display to double check the ships present position. Alison then checks through the data on the Beta Quadrant that Lt. DeMontigny and herself had just entered into conn making sure all the information is at the ready when needed.
A little rattled herself Alison tries to relax a bit as the bridge returns to order.
Chief Flight Control Officer Lt. Alison Donucci